Monday, January 27, 2020

YOUNG - ELBRIDGE G. - Otter Creek, 1888


Mount Desert Herald
August 3,  1888

Concerning the death by suicide of Mr. Elbridge G. Young, at Otter Creek, we learn that Mr. Young has several times threatened to take his own life,  and had also threatened the life of his wife.  On the morning of his death he became excited and jealous because of a call from a man, who wished to engage Mrs. Young to work for him.  He talked very harshly and as she left the house, which she did through fear and only for the purpose of waiting until his insane paroxysm subsided, his last words were, "If you come into the house again I will cut your throar."  His widow asserts that Mr. Young was a kind husband when in his right mind, and that she has never been - as has been stated - "dissatisfied with her lot,"   or desired to leave him, but that (as on the day of his death)nshe has been obliged to leave the house temporarily several times through fear of her personal safety when these insane fits came upon him;  and that she has many times told his friends that she thought him subject to attacks of insanity, but they would not believe her.  Aside from the generally accepted idea that any man who takes his own life is of unsound mind, all the circumstances go to show that Mr. Young had been insane at times for several years.  Over a year ago, and before he had married his last wife or had even seen her, he was despondent and took a dose of poison,  It is said - from the effects of which he barely escaped with his life.

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