Tuesday, January 21, 2020

STANLEY - EVERETT G. - Bar Harbor, 1951

Bar Harbor Times
May 31, 1951

Everett G. Stanley, 76, son of the late Capt. John L. and Mary Whitmore Stanley, died early Monday morning, May 21st., at the hospital in Bar Harbor, where he had been for the past few weeks.
Mr. Stanley had had an active and useful life.  He was for many years one of the Stanley Fish Co., founded by his father, and had served the town as selectman and member of the School Board.  With his brother he had had large holdings of real estate and had done much business in that line.  He was interested and active in church affairs and generous in his gifts.
His wife, who was Elizabeth A. Whitmore, died two years ago and since then he has made his home with his sister.  His health has been failing for a long time and he has undergone much hospital experience.  He leaves one sister, Mrs. Fred A. Noyes and one brother, Isaac F. Stanley, one niece and four nephews.

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