Tuesday, January 7, 2020

BUNKER - ANDREW C. - South Gouldsboro,, 1887


Mount Desert Herald
October 7, 1887

Died, at South Gouldsboro, September 24th, Andrew C Bunker, aged tewnty-seven years.  Again we are called upon to pay our last solemn tribites of respect to our dead.  Sgain with great sadness of heat we record the close of one more life, stricken down in the brightest years of his manhood by that dreaded disease, consumption.
This bereaved family have the sympathy of many friends.  Only a few short months ago, they were called upon to bear a simulair affliction, and now this burden seems greater then they can bear.  Loving hands and willing hearts did much to lighten the weary days of his sickness and would faith had kept him here, but the summons came to him, which must come to us all, and he could stay no longer.
We realize that words of consolation can bring no comfort to these who are so sorely tried, but we trust as time rolls on, they may find that peace which they so much need, in the thought, that althrough his life work is now ended, for him there is just comnsnced a life in the beautiful beyond.
South Gouldsboro, Oct. 3, 1887

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