Monday, January 6, 2020

RITCHIE - GEORGE - Great Pond, 1890


January 30, 1890
Bar Harbor Record

Great Pond - Two young men, Bernard and George Ritchie of Aurora, who were working for Frank Giles on Township No. 33, started out hunting to-day.  After traveling about for some time, they parted from each other agreeing to meet again.  The youngest one, George, coming back to the place, sat down on a stump to wait for his coming.  Bernard coming up, mistook him for some wild animal and raising his rifle, fired.  The ball went through George's heart killing him instantly.  We are constantly hearing of deaths by the carelessness of hunters.  This should be a sad warning for those using fire arms in the woods to be more careful.  Anyone should be sure before firing, what they are shooting at.

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