Saturday, January 25, 2020

CLARK - DAVID - Seal Cove, 1883


Mount Desert Herald
Feb.  15,  1883

Mr. David Clark was born in Surry, in 1802.  He was a prominent member of the Free Baptist Church.  He was a joiner by trade, and served his neighbors for several years in that capacity.  He died at his home in Tremont, Jan. 15,  1883 at the age of eighty years, having "come down to his grave in full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season."
Until his health became enfeebled, Mr. Clark was a constant attendant at church.  He will be greatly missed by members of his family and neighbors, and will be remembered as an earnest, true and upright man.  Of such it may be said;
The death change comes
death is another life, they bow their heads,
at going out, they think, and enter straight
another golden chamber of the King;s
larger than these they leave, and lovier.
Seal Cove,  Feb. 14, 1883

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