Sunday, January 26, 2020

BUNKER - EMERSON U. - South Gouldsboro, 1888


Bar Harbor Record
Jan.  26,  1888

South Gouldsboro, Jan. 21, 1888
Our neighborhood was greatly shocked last Sunday when the news was received of the death of Emerson U. Bunker, youngest son of Charles L. and Rosetta Bunker, who died in Brighton, Mass. from pneumonia, after an illness of nine days.  The remains were brought home last Tuesday for burial.  His brother George and mother, who had been in Brighton caring for him during his illness, came with them.  It is very sad when we remember that this is the third son that Nr. and Mrs. Bunker have lost almost within a year, and being the youngest of the family and one of the most promising young men of the community, his death, coming as it does under such sad and peculiar circumstances, is an affliction and grief unspeakably prostrating and lamentable to his folks, especially to the heart-broken mother.  It is an affliction beyond the power of any human physician to heal;  a grief beyond the power of human words to reconcile.  The deepest sympathy is felt by friends and neighbors for the brreaved family, carrying with it a sad regret for the loss of a dear friend and of an intelligent and worthy young man, to the community.  The deceased was almost twenty years old.  He early entertained desires to obtain a good education and fit himself for a business or professional avocation.  He was ever found, an attentive scholar in our district schools and attended several terms in adjoining districts up to the age of seventeen when he entered the Rockland Commerical College and graduated from that institution last spring.  His special accomplishment was penmanship.  He was clerk of the Hotel Des Isles at Bar Harbor during the season of 1887, which position he filled to the satisfaction of his employer and, by his social disposition, made many intimate acquaintances among the guests.  At the time of his illness he was with the firm of Phillbrick Bros., at Brighton, Mass..  B.E.T.

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