Sunday, January 12, 2020

GINN - CAPT. GEORGE W. - Bucksport, 1887


Mount Desert Herald
June 17, 1887

Capt. George W. Ginn, of Bucksport, who died at sea May 17th, commanded the Bark Oak Ridge, which foundered at sea in 1867, all hands being lost but himself.  After living eight days on a raft, being without food four days, Capt. Ginn was rescued by a German Brig and brought to New York.  Capt. N.P. Berry of prospect, immedeatly headed a relief fund with $50, which by others was run up to several hundred, and presented Capt. Ginn, who declined taking it.  Capt. Berry, however, induced him to keep his $50.  A few years later Capt. Berry was lost at sea.  On Capt. Ginn's arrival at home he called on the widow and gave her the $50 with good interest.  Capt. Ginn was a ship master forty years.

George Ginn
BIRTH 1804
DEATH 1887 (aged 82–83)
Maple Grove Cemetery
Prospect, Waldo County, Maine,

Nancy E Richards Ginn
BIRTH 1801
DEATH 1861 (aged 59–60)
Maple Grove Cemetery
Prospect, Waldo County, Maine

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