Tuesday, January 7, 2020

STANLEY - WELTHIA H. - Sulton's Island, 1882


Mount Desert Herald
November, 23, 1882

Welthia H.. wife of Abram C. Stanley, of Sulton's Island, and daughter of Postmaster Spurling, died very suddenly the 3rd inst..  She had been out of health for some time and was under the medical treatment of Dr. Spear, but no immediate danger was apprehended, she passed away without a struggle, and her husband who had started for the doctor was called back with the startling cry, "She is dead."  She leaves two young children, Willie and Charlie Trussel, offspring of a former marriage.  There was a very large attendance at the funeral Sunday;  the Rev. Mr. Allen, delivering an appropriate discourse from the words of Isiah, "We all do fade as a leaf."  A large circle of friends and relatives beside the bereaved husband and children are left to mourn their loss, which we trust is her eternal gain.
"Mourn for the living, and not for the dead,
for they are at rest, and we are in tears."
She was a capable, energetic woman, doing with her might what her hands found to do, and her earth tasks were soon performed.  More then one among her acquaintances can say with grateful remembrance, she was always good to me, and so says sincerely,
Cranberry Isles, Nov. 13,

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