Saturday, January 11, 2020

WASGATT - JULIA ANN - West Ellsworth, 1889


Bar Harbor Record
March 28, 1889

Sister Julia Ann Wasgatt, wife of John Wasgatt Esq. of West Ellsworth, departed this life March 6, 1889, aged 69 years 8 months and 2 days.
Sister Wasgatt was the daughter of the late Moses Wasgatt of Bar Harbor, whose father, Thomas Wasgatt, moved from Massachusetts to Duck Brook, Bar Harbor, and reared a large and interesting family,  soon after Mr. Abram Somes settled at Somesville, A.D. 1782.
Her Uncle, the late Davis Wasgatt, was the first represenative from Mount Desert to the General Assembly of Mass., and was an enterprizing and influential citizen of that town.  Her cousin, Sarah R. Wasgatt, married the late John Clark and became the mother of Bishop Davis W. Clark of blessed memory.
Sister Wasgatt was a lady of gentle and amiable disposition, holding a large place in the hearts of her friends, and never making enemies.  She was a life-long invalid, suffering from chronic disease which would have unnerved a less trustful and devout nature, and yet she never murmured at her lot.
She was frugal and simple in her habits, quiet and unobtrusive in her religion, gentle and retiring in her relations to others, a constant and ardent friend, a cheerful and affertionate wife, a loving and devoted mother, a kind God.  She has gone to her rest, and entered upon her reward.
Her afflicted husband and lately widowed daughter, Mrs. Simeon H. Richard of Eden, will receive the tender smpathy and sincere condolence of their many friends.

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