Wednesday, February 5, 2020

MITCHELL - LEON MORSE - Ellsworth, 1957


Bar Harbor Times
May 30,  1957

Leon Morse Mitchell,  Sullivan Street, died at his home last week after a long illness.
He was born in Ellsworth, Maine, the son of the late Nelson and Mary (Sargent) Mitchell.   He was formerly plant enginer for the Waterbury Farrell Foundry and Machine Co., retiring in 1954 after 50 years service.  He was a momber of the Waterbury Lodge of Elks and the Foreman's Association of the Waterbury Farrell Foundry.
He is survived by his wife, Antoinette (Pryvost) Mitchell;  and daughter, Mrs. Minnie Garsden, West Hartford;  one stepson, Francis H. Ells, Waterbury;  three grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
The funeral was held from the Mulville Funeral Home.

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