Monday, February 3, 2020

HIGGINS - ELMENA T. - Eden, 1903


Bar Harbor Times
March 4,  1903

The peple of this place were pained last Wednesday morning to learn that Miss Elmena T. Higgins, the oldest person in this part of Eden, had a stroke of apoplexy in the preceding night.
On Tuesday evening she retired enjoying her usual health, but some time in the night she was heard, by her brother, breathing heavily, and he called Mr. and Mrs. Sargent, with whom she was living, and they found her speechless and unconscious and she remained in this condition till Thursday noon, when she died.
Funeral services were held at the school house Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Geo. E. Kinney of Somesville.  There was a large number of relatives and friends present.
Miss Higgins was very nuch esteemed by all who knew her.  In her younger years she was a school teacher and taught many terms of school in this and other towns, after which she spent many years in caring for her aged parents and keeping house for her brother Atwater.  The last five or six years Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Sargent have taken care of her.
She was a descendant of two of the oldest families in Eden and was eighty-four years and six months old at her death.  Her family is somewhat noted for its longevity.  Her father, Joseph Higgins, lived to the age of 78 years.  He was a son of Jesse and Priscilla Higgins, who settled near the Narrows in 1778.  Her mother, Betsy, was 85 years old when she died, and was a daughter of David Hamor, who came to Hulls Cove with his father, John Hamor, in 1768.  She has three brothers and one sister living, David H. is in his 83rd year;  Atwater in his 81st year, Edward H. in his 78th year, and Mrs. Shackford of Barnstable, N.H. is in her 71st year, all in good health except David H., who is very feeble.
E,M. Hamor
West Eden,  Feb. 23, 1903

Elmenia T Higgins
BIRTH 5 Dec 1818
DEATH 19 Feb 1903 (aged 84)
Mountain View Cemetery
Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine,

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