Saturday, February 15, 2020

JESSE - GEORGE - Dedham, 1904


Bar Harbor Record
August 17,  1904

Dedham - George Jesse, son of Walace B. and Leonora Black died in Hampden Wednesday, August 3, of Cholera infantum, aged 1 year and 6 months.  The funeral was held here in the Cingregational Church Friday at 2 p.m., attended by a large number of relatives and friends.  Rev. Ira Smith of Holden, officiated, speaking impressively from the words, "It is well with the child."  Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Burrill sang, "Thy will be done - Close the Door Lightly, and Sleep My Little One, Sleep."  He was a very smart and promising child and much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents.  The florial tributes were beautiful and the little one looked very peaceful as he lay in his little white casket amid the flowers.  E.C. Huzzey had charge of the arrangements and the bearers were Leslie and Clifford Burrill, Walter Fogg, and Andy Steele.  Internment was in Parker Cemetery.

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