Wednesday, February 5, 2020

MCDOUGAL - LENA - Augusta, 1965


Kennebec Journal
July 6,  1965

Augusta - A high mass of requem for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Lena Mcdougal was sung Monday morning at St. Mary's Catholic Church with the Rev. Richard V. Rokos officiating.
Bearers were Clayton Mcdougal Jr., Warren Mcdougal, Ronald Mcdougal, Gerald Hinckley, Rene Pomerleau and Daniel Pomerleau.
Burial was in Millinocket Cemetery.

Lena Vebaline  Carrigan parents were Daniel  Carrigan and Marie Eugenie 'Jennie' Belanger.  She married Clayton McDougal on 21 Oct. 1916 at Bangor, Maine.

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