Saturday, February 15, 2020

BLAISDELL - JAMES M. - Franklin, 1888


Mount Desert Herald
Jan. 13, 1888

The whole community is saddened by the intelligence of the death of James M. Blaisdell, Esq., on Sunday evening, Jan. 8th, for he was loved and esteemed by all who knew him.  Mr. Blaisdell was for many years one of the leading business men of our town.  As Merchant and shipbuilder he was widely known and respected for his upright character and business integrity as well as for his kindly, genial nature.
Always taking a deep interest in all the politicial questions of the day, he was one of the fathers in the Republican party.  In '76 he represented the town in the State Legislature, and worked hard for the best interest of the town.
He had already passed the alloted three-score and ten years, as he was seventy two his last birthday, Dec. 5.  His health had been failing for some time, but it is only within a few weeks that he had been wholly confided to his house.
He leaves a wife, one daughter, Mrs. Follett Gerrish, and two young sons to mourn his loss.
Franklin, Jan. 9, 1888

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