Monday, December 2, 2019

GOODALE - DAISY - Sullivan Harbor


Bar Harbor Record
August 1, 1894

Daisy Goodale, the 14 year old daughter of Mrs. Frank Carlton, died in Lowell, Mass., July 22, after a long painful illness, which she bore with patience and fortitude scarcely to be looked for in a child of her years.  Her death though expected was a great blow to her mother who is prostrated with grief.
Mrs. Carlton's sisters Mrs. Lawrence of Sorrento, and Mrs. Merrill of Boston, went to her as soon as they heard of the death by telegram.
Prayers were offered at the house and the remains were brought to Sullivan Harbor for internment.  The funeral took place at the house of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Conners, Rev. Mr. Weed officiating.  The floral offerings from friends and neighbors were profuse and beautiful, the prettiest was a loose bunch of 14 white roses sent by Mrs. Jesse Mitchell and pink and maidenhair ferns from her Sunday School class.  Mr. John Urann conducted the funeral which was well attended as Daisy was a favorite in Sullivan Harbor where she had spent many summers.

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