Friday, December 20, 2019

CARPENTER - EDWARD S. - 1947, Salisbury Cove

March 20, 1947
Bar Harbor Times

Edward S. Carpenter died Saturday, March 15, while working at Oak Point.  Mr. Carpenter was born in July 1867, the son of the late Sanford and Marian McFarland of Salisbury Cove.  After the death of his father, who was lost at sea, he was adopted by the late Orient Carpenter and came to this community to make his home.  He was a carpenter by trade and worked with R.L. White for many years.  For several years he was postmaster here and carried on a grocery store.  In early life he married Mattie Haines White of this place, who died several years ago.  They had one son, Frank, who survived his father.  In later life he was connected with the fish business as well as cutting wood and logs.  Although suffering from a heart ailment he continued at his work and was at his wood lot at Oak Point when death occurred.  He will be missed as one who was  always interested in community affairs and was always willing to support a worthy cause.  Funeral services were held at the Eden Baptist Church in Salisbury Cove, of which he was a member,  On Monday, March 17, at 2 o'clock,   with Rev. John Fickett officiating.  Internment will be in the family lot in Leland Cemetery at Salisbury Cove.

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