Saturday, December 21, 2019


October 26, 1904
Bar Harbor Record

Joseph Dillingham Expires Suddenly While Listening To A Hearing.

One day last week at Portland death was in court, not as a spectator, but as an active agent.  Joseph R. Dillingham of Naples, a man advanced in years, a good citizen, in many respects, a leading man in his town, suddenly fell back and lived hardly long enough to be taken from the court room to the room of Sheriff Pennell.
It was a very impressive incident.  He was in a hearing then going on and was watching the proceedings from his seat in the rear.  He passed from the activities of life to the stillness of death at once.
Judge Peabody ordered an adjournment of the court.  Without the formality of an appeal, one of the parties before him in a civil suit, had gone before the court of last resort and he recognised the solemn nature of the strange interruption.

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