Saturday, December 7, 2019

LURVEY - GEORGE A. - Southwest Harbor

June 13, 1906
Bar Harbor Record 

The community is saddened by the death of George A. Lurvey who is sincerly mourned by all who knew him.  He had gone to Swan's Island for a visit, was taken sick with pneumoia and died in a few days.  He was a native of Southwest Harbor, being the son of Gilbert L. and Mary G. Lurvey and had held prominent offices in his own, being one of the selectmen at the time of his death.   He was a great advocate of temperence, and after the I,O. of G.T. of Southwest Harbor was finally dissolved, he joined the lodge at West Eden.  The lodge sent a beautiful floral pillow and was well represented by everyone that knew him both old and young and his loss will be greatly felt here.  Besides his parents he leaves a sister, Mrs. Edward Stanley of Northeast Harbor.

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