Sunday, December 8, 2019

ALLEN - OBEDIAH - Mount Desert

JUNE 16, 1915
Bar Harbor Record

Mr. Obediah Allen, aged 86 years, one month, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Issac Somes last Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock.  Mr. Obed was one of the oldest residents in Mount Desert.  He was a man of strong character, devoted to his family and church.  He was truly the kind of man of whom we can never say we have too many.  He seemed to have a genius for making friends and keeping them.  Gentle in disposition, always thinking of others, and though his earthy life has ended, his memory will ever linger in the hearts of those whose life he sweetened by some little act of kindness.  He is survived by two children, Mr. M.L. Allen and Mrs. Isaac Somes, seven grandchildren, four great grand children.  The funeral services were held Friday afternoon, many relatives and friends being present.  The services were conducted by Rev. J. Walker.  The burial was in the family lot at Brookside Cemetery.

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