Monday, December 16, 2019


November 30, 1882
Mount Desert Herald

Died in Eden, November 19, 1882, Capt. Jason Alley, aged 67 years.
In the death of Capt. Alley, the town has lost a good citizen, his wife a kind husband, and the children, whose circle has never been broken by death, a much loved father.
Capt. Alley was peculiar in the government of his family, he governed wholly by words of kindness and his effects were to instill into the minds of his children principles of virtue which should be their guidance in after life.  Watching with tender solicitude, every act of his children, it was a great pleasure to him to know that as his sons and daughters grew up, his hopes were realized.
At the funeral it was an interesting sight to see in one carriage the widowed mother and seven sons and daughters, men and women, who had come from three different states, (one of them from near the Canada line) to pay their last tribute of love and affection to the memory of a much loved father.
The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. A. F. Palmer, at the dwelling of the deceased, and listened to by a large congregation of relatives and sympathizing friends.

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