Saturday, December 21, 2019

BRIDGHAM - DR. FRED W. - 1907, Sullivan

January 16, 1907
Bar Harbor Record

The sudden death of Dr. Fred W. Bridgham, which occurred at Sullivan Jan. 6th, from Anglna Pectoris, was not only a loss to his immediate family, but the community at large, where for thirty nine years he had ministered to the sick and suffering.
Dr. Bridgham was born in Castine, Maine, March 3rd, 1845, the son of Dr. Roland H. and Jane Simpson Bridgham.  After attending the schools of his native town he entered Bowdoin Medical College and was graduated with the class of '66.
He at once entered upon the practice of his profession in the town of Sullivan, the practice at that time including Gouldsboro, Winter Harbor, Prospect Harbor, Franklin and Hancock.  In 1872 he married Sarah Hooke of Castine.
Dr. Bridgham was a Free Mason, Knight of Pythias and a Forrester and had served his town as selectman and representative to the legislature.  The testimony of the people among whom he lived and to whom he devoted his life, and all the skill of the profession that he so dearly loved, is his best eulogy.  He leaves a widow and three children, Mrs. Philips Eaton of Portland, Dr. C.S. Bridgham, now in the west, and Fred H. Bridgeham of Sullivan.

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