Friday, December 20, 2019

CARTER - ELLA F. "HANSON" - 1902, Bar Harbor

May 28, 1902
Bar Harbor Record

The saddest death for many a day at Bar Harbor is that of Mrs. Lester Carter  ( Ella F. Hansson Carter) which occurred at her home on Roberts Avenue at 9;30  Sunday morning of pneumonia.  The thought of the six little motherless children, the oldest 12 years, the youngest but a few days old, is the acme of sadness, and a feeling of deep sympathy toward the young husband prevades the town.
Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the house, Rev. Richard Owen officiating.
Mr. Carter's mother has been with the family during the wife's illness and will remain for the present.  Mr. Carter, it will be remembered, was crippled two years ago by the loss of his right hand, but has made a brave effort in supporting his family.   He learned to write with his left hand before he was out of the hospital and very soon resumed his position as book keeper for Leighton & Davenport which he still remains.

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