Saturday, December 7, 2019


September 20, 1935
Bar Harbor Times

Archie R. Salisbury, one of the prominent businessmen of Southwest Harbor, died at his home there on Tuesday, September 17, after some months of failing health.  Mr. Salisbury was born in Bar Harbor in 1879, the son of Steven and Elizabeth Salisbury.  He was in the plumbing business in Bar Harbor about sixteen years ago to become to become a member of the firm of Gilley and Salisbury.  After a few years he established a plumbing business of his own, which he has since conducted.  In 1934 he built the Salisbury building in the center of the village.
Mr. Salisbury was a Mason and at Bar Harbor an Odd Fellow, a good neighbor and one who had many friends.  He leaves his wife who was Celia E. Richardson, one brother, Roy Salisbury of Bar Harbor and one nephew, Anson Dorr of Dexter.
Funeral Services were held at the home on Thursday afternoon with Rev. R.L. Carson  of the Episcopal Church.  Burial was at Mt. Heigth.

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