Saturday, December 7, 2019


May 16, 1906
Bar Harbor Record

A sad accident occurred Monday at the Porcupine Hotel where Lewis Smith, a 15 year old boy of Surry, fell from the fourth story to the sidewalk, striking on his head.  He was picked up and taken at once by doctor Averill, to the hospital, but died in a short time.  He was employed at the hotel and was carrying water to a man and a woman who were cleaning the house.  He started t go out on the coving of the building, a place about twenty inches wide, and the people warned him of the danger, but he did not heed them.  He walked around and came back to the window, and again they urged him to come in.  This was the last they saw of him, and it is supposed that he became dizzy and fell, striking the wires in front, from which  he received a shock, burning his hand badly.  There was evidence of the boy vomiting, which may of been caused by dizziness.  The distance to the ground was about 40 feet.  No one can be blamed for the sad affair.

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