Friday, December 20, 2019

HIGGINS - CARROLL - 1960, Bar Harbor

April 28, 1960
Bar Harbor Times

Carroll Higgins, 55, of Bar Harbor, husband of Mrs. Marjorie Higgins died Sunday evening at MDI hospital after a long illness.  He was born at Mount Desert December 10, 1904, the son of Sidney and Elizabeth Young Higgins.
He was a member of the Bar Harbor Congregational Church, the Bar Harbor Masonic Lodge, the Knights of Pythias.  He was employed at the Jackson Memorial Laboratory at the time of his death.
Surviving besides his wife and mother are two daughters, Carol Jane and Mrs. Roy McFarland, both of Bar Harbor;  a son, Lawrance of Santa Ana, Calf.;  two brothers, Donald of Bridgeport, Conn. and  Pearl of Woodland;  a sister, Mrs. John Harriman of Bangor;  two grandchildren, three nieces and a nephew.
Funeral services were held at the Bar Harbor Congregational Church Wednesday with Dr. Ronald Mosley officiating.
Internment was in the family lot in Seal Harbor Cemetery.
Bearers were members of the Masonic Lodge;  Don Harris, Walter Flagg, Robert Avery, Herman Woodworth, Richard Stetson and Erwin Soule.

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