Sunday, December 22, 2019

MACVICAR - DUNCAN - 1923, Franklin

February 28, 1923
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral services for Duncan MacVicar, who died at the state hospital in Bangor last Monday, were held from the Congregational Church Wednesday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev. G. Homer Nelson.  Services at the vault were conducted by Island Lodge I.O.O.F., of which Mr. MacVicar was a valued member.
Mr. MacVicar was about 75 years of age and a native to Franklin about 40 years ago.  His first wife was Miss Katherine MacFarland, who died in 1914.  Mr. MacVicar came to Bar Harbor about 25 years ago and was known as one of the skilled gardeners of the resort.  He was for a number of years in charge of Edward B. MacLean's estate here, being obliged by ill health to give up this position.  In recent years his condition became such as to require treatment in the state hospital.  Mr. MacVicar was  was a respected citizen who leaves many friends to mourn his loss.  He is survived by a widow.  He was a Mason, a Red Man, and an Odd Fellow.

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