Sunday, December 15, 2019

ASHLEY - ANN - Prospect Harbor

July 12, 1905
Bar Harbor Record

Mrs. Ann Ashley died of heart failure during  the night following Tuesday.  In the morning when she did not respond to the call of her son, with whom she has lived alone, he summonsed a neighbor and telephoned to his sister, Mrs. Blake, at Prospect Harbor, who came at once.  Mrs. Ashley has been an invalid for years though able to do the work for herself and son, with frequent kindly offers of neighbors, particularly Mrs. Workman, who in addition to others kindnesses, has never in twenty years let a feast day pass without carrying a generous serving of dinner to her invalid neighbor and it was she who stood by when the end came.  Funeral services were held on Thursday at the house, which was filled with the wild flowers she most cared for.    Mrs. Ashley was in her seventy-fifth year.

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