Thursday, December 19, 2019

HEDGES - CARL W. - 1956, Northeast Harbor

August 2, 1956
Bar Harbor Times

Carl W, Hedges, 73, died at his home on Summit Road, Northeast Harbor, early Sunday morning after a brief illness.
Born at Wainscott, Long Island, N.Y., October 31, 1882, he was the son of the late Carl Wilson and Abbey (Glover) Hedges.
Surviving are his wife, Ruth of Northeast Harbor;  two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Beyeler of Northeast Harbor, Mrs. Beatrice Harnish of Hartford, Conn., three step-sons, Howard Jenkins, Roy Jenkins, both of Northeast Harbor, George Jenkins of West Barrington, R.I., a brother, Wilson Hedges of Bridgehampton, Long Island N.Y., a sister, Mrs. Jack Edwards of Pasadena, Calf., two grandchildren;  several nieces and nephews.
Mr. Hedges was a member of St. Mary's Episcopal Church of Northeast Harbor, Lodge F. and A.M., No 208, a member of Mt. Mansell, Royal Arch Chapter, of Southwest Harbor,  Blanquefort Commandery of Ellsworth, Ocean Lodge 100F, of Northeast Harbor, OES Chapter of Northeast Harbor, Asticou Rebekah Lodge.
Private funeral services were held at the residence on the Summit Road Tuesday afternoon at  2;30 o'clock with the Rev. Rhys Williams of St. Mary's Church officiating.
Burial was in the family lot at Forest Hill Cemetery, Northeast Harbor.

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