Monday, December 16, 2019

FERNALD - CAPT. EDWARD S. - Little Cranberry Isle

Jan. 26, 1894
Bar Harbor Record

Capt. Edward S. Fernald, aged fifty-three years, died at his hom on Little Cranberry Isle, Ja, 4, 1894.  He leaves a wife, and one daughter.  He was confined to his bed less than four days, having been seized with convulsions the Sunday bight previous to dying Thursday noon and from that time did not seem to have any realization of his sufferings.  His mind had been enfeebled for nearly three years but he was able to be around.  Capt. Fernald for many years was a smart, enterprising  man and was very successful in his business, a kind and obliging friend and neighbor, an honored and valued citizen, and a man with deep sympathies with the sick and needy.  A Complication of reverses and losses a few years ago working upon a not over-strong brain probably had much to do with unbalancing his mind, which has gradually grown worse and worse until the end came.  Rev. G. E. Freeman preached a very effective sermon.

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