Saturday, December 21, 2019

CONNERS - JULIA J. - 1894, Bar Harbor

March 15, 1894
Bar Harbor Record

Mrs. Julia J. Conners, widow of John Conners, who has made her home with her son, Capt. Alfred Conners, since the death of her husband a few years ago,  died Friday at the advanced age of 81 years.  Mr. and Mrs. Coonners are connected with the early history of Bar Harbor, having owned and lived upon Dorr Farm which is now such a magnificent and valuable estate.
Mrs. Conners was a sister of Mr. John Lynam.  She has another brother, Mr. George Lynam, living at Sullivan Harbor, and several sisters.  Mr. and Mrs. Conners brought up a large family of children, many of whom are prominent citizens of Bar Harbor;  Alfred Conners, John Conners, Frank Conners, Mrs. William Clark and Mrs. Nathan Salisbury.
Mrs. Conners four score years of life has been one of varying fortunes, and not without its accompaniment of joys and sorrows.  In her last years she has had every care bestowed upon her by Capt. Conners and his estimable wife.  Her funeral was attended by a large gathering of loving relatives - sons and daughters, children and grandchildren.

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