Monday, December 9, 2019

ASH - WALTER R. - Bar Harbor

May 1, 1907
Bar Harbor Record

Sunday news was received of the death in Detriot, Maine of Walter R. Ash, which saddened many friends of the deceased here.  He was born in B ar Harbor, being the son of Alonzo Ash, who survives him.  His age was 23 years, 9 months and 26 days.
He was educated in the public schools here and later went to Boston to continue his studies.  By hard work and diligent study he passed his examination as a registered pharmacist in Maine, Massachusetts and Florida.  He was employed by Doe & Gouya, and at one time had charge of a drug store in Taunton, Mass..  He was after wards employed by John Doe and had charge of Mr. Doe's store here this fall until his health failed.  He went inland hoping to benifit by the change,  but has slowly failed until the end.  Everything was done for his comfort by his relatives, but to no avail.  In Detriot he was cared for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, who ministered to his wants in the most kindly way and who became deeply attached to him.
He made a brave struggle to regain his health and bore his illness with great patience and courage.  He was a bright attractive young man and justly popular.  He leaves a host of friends here, who speak in the highest terms of his sterling qualities and blameless character.
Besides his father, he leaves a brother, Burton Ash and five sisters;  Mrs. Charles H. Bulger, Mrs. P.N. Higgins, and Miss Evelena Ash of Bar Harbor, Mrs. Ida Richardson of Southwest Harbor and Mrs. Ceylon Emery of Salisbury Cove.
The funeral will be held today at 2 o'clock at the Congregational Church, conducted by Rev. A.M. Macdonald.  The Red Men of which he was a member, will attend in a body.

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