Monday, December 2, 2019

BIXBY - CARRIE E. - Sullivan

Bar Harbor Record
Dec. 5, 1889

The death of Mrss. Carrie Bixby, which occurred early Wednesday morning after such a brief illness, has cast over the entire community a shadow of deep gloom.  Her malady which seemed slight at first, rapidly advanced and it was soon evident that she was beyond all earthly help.
Miss Bixby was a charming and estimable young lady of quiet and gentle manners, and the sad intelligence of her death will be received with sincere sorrow throughout the town.
Deeply will she be mourned and regretted by her young friends, their grief being intensified by the fact that in the very springtime of young womanhood she has been called upon to give up all the bright anticipations and planned for joys that awaited her as a bride, upon which new relation she was about to enter.  But those days of joy and pleasure where not to be.  In a pure white casket robed in bridal dress and veil she lies, calm and beautiful.
This has indeed been an afflicted family.  Her grandfather, the late Jabez Simpson, died a year ago.  Her mother, the late Mary A. Bixby, died last June of a lingering and distressing illness, and now the daughter and only child has followed, and another bereavement has fallen upon this home.  Great and heartfelt sympathy is expressed for her aunt, Mrs. Etta Simpson, who has been Miss Bixby's friend, companion and comforter since her mothers death, and now is indeed desolate.  May the comfort that that comes to her be that of faith and resignation in a will that is higher than ours.
Sullivan Harbor,  December 4.

Carrie E. Bixby
BIRTH 1859
DEATH 3 Dec 1889 (aged 29–30)
BURIAL Simpson Cemetery
Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine

Her Mother;
Mary Simpson Bixby
BIRTH 1833
DEATH 8 Jun 1889 (aged 55–56)
Simpson Cemetery
Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine

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