Sunday, December 22, 2019

BUNKER - ERI L. - 1926, Bar Harbor

August 18, 1926
Bar Harbor Times

Eri L. Bunker died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A.H. Lynam on Friday morning after an illness which had confined him to his room for the past few months.
Mr. Bunker was a member of one of the oldest families of the island, numbering eleven brothers and sisters.  Four of his older brothers served their country in the Civil War and in the family cemetery at Otter Creek are three stones which tell of the deaths of three brothers killed in battle and whose remains were not recovered.  Mr, Bunker, born July 2, 1855, was not a child when four of his brothers marched away in the blue uniform.  He was the son of William G. and Patience Smallidge Day Bunker and was born here where he spent his whole life.
The surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. N.S. Bunker; the daughters, Mrs. A.H. Lynam and Mrs. Henry K. Ullmann of Santa Barbara, Ca., a son, William G. Bunker, of Halifax, Mass., two sisters, Mrs. W.E. Peach and Mrs. W.J. Evans of Bar Harbor and a brother, George Bunker, a Civil War Veteran;  a grand daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Fritach, formerly Miss Marie Lynam, who is now in Europe.
Mr. Bunker will be mourned too by a large circle of friends.  He was a man whose kindness won for him friendship with all who knew him, one whose death  brings sorrow to many.
Funeral services were held at the home of A.H. Lynam in Holland Avenue on Sunday afternoon.  Dr. W.F. Patterson of St. Saviour's Episcopal Church officiating.  There was singing by a quartet, a large attendance of friends and neighbors  and many beautiful flowers.  The bearers were Carl Ingalls, Ralph Trott, Howard Moon, Frank Small, Eugene H. Higgins, John Casey, all members of the staff at the Bar Harbor Post Office, where for some years Mr, Bunker was janitot.
The burial was in the family cemetery at Otter Creek.


November 19, 1959
Bar Harbor Times

Ernestine Patricia Poirier, 11, of Bar Harbor, died Thursday at MDI hospital after a long illness.
She was born at St. Petersburg, Fla., February 11, 1948, the daughter of Joseph and Mildred (Sargent) Poirier.
She attended St. Edwards School at Bar Harbor.
Besides her mother, survivers are three brothers, William, Robert and Dudley;  her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Dudley Sargent, all of Bar Harbor;  several aunts, uncles and cousins.
A funeral mass was said Saturday at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church by the Rev. John Kenney.
Burial was in Hillside Cemetery, Hulls Cove.

COUGH - EZRA R. - 1944, Old Town

February 17, 1944
Bar Harbor Times

Ezra R. Cough, 67, died in an Old Town hospital last Saturday night after an illness of several weeks.  Mr. and Mrs. Cough moved to Old Town from Bar Harbor nearly two years ago.  He conducted a neighborhood store.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Cough;  four sons, Bernard of Bar Harbor, Reginald of Old Town, Edward of Gardiner and Vincent, USN, now stationed at Portland;  also nine grandchildrenand one brother, Bird Cough of Lamoine.
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday morning in Old Town and Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery at Bar Harbor.

MACVICAR - DUNCAN - 1923, Franklin

February 28, 1923
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral services for Duncan MacVicar, who died at the state hospital in Bangor last Monday, were held from the Congregational Church Wednesday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev. G. Homer Nelson.  Services at the vault were conducted by Island Lodge I.O.O.F., of which Mr. MacVicar was a valued member.
Mr. MacVicar was about 75 years of age and a native to Franklin about 40 years ago.  His first wife was Miss Katherine MacFarland, who died in 1914.  Mr. MacVicar came to Bar Harbor about 25 years ago and was known as one of the skilled gardeners of the resort.  He was for a number of years in charge of Edward B. MacLean's estate here, being obliged by ill health to give up this position.  In recent years his condition became such as to require treatment in the state hospital.  Mr. MacVicar was  was a respected citizen who leaves many friends to mourn his loss.  He is survived by a widow.  He was a Mason, a Red Man, and an Odd Fellow.

ALLEN - ELIZABETH - 1944, Blue Hill

March 30, 1944
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, R.N., 34, wife of Arnold Allen of North Sedgwick, died at a Blue Hill Hospital Friday, March 24, after a brief illness.
For the past two years, Mrs. Allen had made her home at Mt. Desert.
Surviving are two children, Nancy, 9, and David, 5;  her husband;  her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren York of East Blue Hill;  and three brothers, one of whom is in the armed forces.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

BRIDGHAM - DR. FRED W. - 1907, Sullivan

January 16, 1907
Bar Harbor Record

The sudden death of Dr. Fred W. Bridgham, which occurred at Sullivan Jan. 6th, from Anglna Pectoris, was not only a loss to his immediate family, but the community at large, where for thirty nine years he had ministered to the sick and suffering.
Dr. Bridgham was born in Castine, Maine, March 3rd, 1845, the son of Dr. Roland H. and Jane Simpson Bridgham.  After attending the schools of his native town he entered Bowdoin Medical College and was graduated with the class of '66.
He at once entered upon the practice of his profession in the town of Sullivan, the practice at that time including Gouldsboro, Winter Harbor, Prospect Harbor, Franklin and Hancock.  In 1872 he married Sarah Hooke of Castine.
Dr. Bridgham was a Free Mason, Knight of Pythias and a Forrester and had served his town as selectman and representative to the legislature.  The testimony of the people among whom he lived and to whom he devoted his life, and all the skill of the profession that he so dearly loved, is his best eulogy.  He leaves a widow and three children, Mrs. Philips Eaton of Portland, Dr. C.S. Bridgham, now in the west, and Fred H. Bridgeham of Sullivan.

DOWDELL - JOHN F. - 1958, Southwest Harbor

January 30, 1958
Bar Harbor Times

John F. Dowdell, 85, of Southwest Harbor died Tuesday in a Bangor hospital after a short illness.  He was born at Gloucester, Mass. April 4, 1872, the son of John and Ann Hughes Dowdell.
There are no known relatives surviving.
Funeral services were from the Fernald Funeral Home, Mt. Desert, Thursday morning, the Rev. William Mitchell officiating.
Burial was in Mt. Heigth cemetery, Southwest Harbor.

DIX - IDA M. - 1956, Tremont

July 19, 1956
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Ida M. Dix, 87, widow of Hiram A. Dix. died Thursday at the MDI hospital in Bar Harbor.
She was born January 29, 1869, at Waterford, N.S., the daughter of Stephen A. and Mary (Comeau) Lewis.
Mrs. Dix came to Tremont when a young girl.  In 1918 she moved to Portland where she resided until 1950 when she returned to  Tremont.
She was a member of the St. Lawrence Congregational Church, Portland, and was active in its Women's League.  She was also a member of Rohena Rebekah Lodge at Southwest Harbor, the Pythian Sisters, W.C.T.U. and Tremont Ladies Aid.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Helen Peterson of East Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Bernice Beatty of Otisfield and Mrs. Evelyn Harding of Tremont;  three brothers, four sisters and a grandson.
Funeral services were held at 2;30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Tremont Congregational Church.
Burial was in Mount Heigth Cemetery, Southwest Harbor.

STEWART - MARIE - 1887, Bangor & Bar Harbor

September 16, 1887
Mount Desert Herald

Miss Marie Stewart, of Bangor, who has been very ill with diphtheria at the Summit House, Green Mountain, died yesterday.  Many persons have wondered how she could take diphtheria on Green Mountain, and the sickness certainly was caused in a very peculiar manner.  It seems that in her rumbles on the side of the mountain, she came upon an old diseased well.  Being very thirsty, she made a small birch bark cup, and took a drink of the water.  Soon after she was taken violently ill.

GRINDLE - DEAN - 1958, Ellsworth

February 6, 1958
Bar Harbor Times

Dean Grindle, 90, of Mount Desert died Monday at a Sullivan Nursing home.
He was born November 24, 1867, at North Brooksville, the son of Kenny and Sofrong (Blodgett) Grindle.
Survivors include a son, Roger Grindle of Portland;  two sisters, Mrs. Grace Lymburner of North Brooksville and Mrs. Prudence Grindle, residence unknown;  and a brother, Ross Grindle of Sharon, Vt..
Funeral services were held at the Bragdon Funeral Home in Ellsworth, Wednesday, the Rev. George Bovill officiating.
Internment was in the Penobscot Cemetery.

KIRLIN - DAVID - 1911, Ellsworth

October 18, 1911
Bar Harbor Record

The death of David Kirlin occurred Tuesday last week at Ellsworth of heart failure.  Mr. Kirlin was employed as a blacksmith by C.A. Weaver during the past summer, and was considered an excellent workman.  He was 53 years of age and was a native of New Brunswick.  He leaves a sister, Mrs. J.F. Stuart, of Waltham, Mass..  Mr. Kirlin had just completed his summer's work here and had gone to ellsworth.

GOTT - DAVID - 1950, Bar Harbor

October 5, 1950
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral services for David Gott, 76, who died here recently, were held Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the Sherman Funeral Home.
Mr. Gott, who had resided here the past 52 years, was born at Tremont in 1874, son of Veranous and Sarah Jane Carpenter Gott.
A brother, Vivian Gott, Bar Harbor, survives.
Burial was at Ledgelawn Cemetery.

LADD - CLARA E. - 1894, Presque Isle

March 15, 1894
Bar Harbor Record

A very sad and distressing funeral was held Thursday afternoon, March 1, at the school house in district No. 1, Rev. George E. Freeman officiating.  It was that of Mrs. Clara E. Ladd, wife of Lewis E. Ladd, aged 35 years, whose death occurred in Somesville, Mass., where she went last September by the advice of physicians hoping that a change of climate combined with good medical attendance would restore her once more to health.  All that money and loving care could do was gladly and willingly done, but alas, no human power could stay the dread destroyer, consumption, which for one year has been wearing her life away.

(Tuberculosis, also known as consumption, is a disease caused by bacteria that usually attacks the lungs, and at the turn of the 20th century, the leading cause of death in the United States.)

CLARK - DAVID - 1883, Seal Cove

February 15, 1883
Mount Desert Herald

Mr. David Clark was born in Surry, in 1802.  He was a prominent member of the Free Will Baptist Church.  He was a joiner by trade, and served his neighbors for several years in that capacity.  He died at his home in Tremont, Jan. 15, 1883, at the age of 80 years, having "come down to his grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season."
Until his health became enfeebled, Mr. Clark was a constant attendant at church.  He will be greatly missed by members of his family and neighbors, and will be remembered as an earnest, true and upright man.  Of such it may be said;
"The death change comes
Death is another life, they bow their heads
at going out, they think. and enter straight
another golden chamber of the Kings
larger than these they leave, and lovelier."
Seal Cove, Feb. 14, 1883

BREWER - DANIEL - 1960, Hulls Cove

June 9, 1960
Bar Harbor Times

Daniel Brewer, 80, of Hulls Cove, Husband of Mrs. Eleanor Brewer, died at his home Monday after a short illness.
Born at Hull's Cove, November 22, 1879, he was the son of Elmer and Frances (Peach) Brewer.
Besides the widow, survivors are two brothers, Orient of Hulls Cove and Clarence of Waterville;  and one sister, Mrs. Effie Stanley of Bar Harbor.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the McFarland Funeral Home with Dr. Ronald A. Mosley of the Bar Harbor Congregational church officiating.
Burial was in the family lot at Peach cemetery in the Emery district.

CUNNINGHAM - MATTIE E. - 1907, Southwest Harbor

May 1, 1907
Bar Harbor Record

Seldom has the community been saddened by a death more pathetic then that of Mattie E. Cunningham, which occurred Thursday afternoon at her home on Maple Avenue. 
Mrs, Cunningham was born at Ellsworth Falls April 20th, 1879.  When she was 12 years of age her family moved to this town and she finished her education in the public school of this place, graduating from the high school in June 1898.  She early gave promise of much ability, both as singer and artist and processed a bright, sunny spirit that endeared her to many.  Those on whom she bestowed her friendship recognized the true sterling worth of a faithful heart and her helpful hands never wearied of performing kind deeds for those she loved.   The writer who was privileged to call her "Friend" has many tender memories of helpful deeds and kind words that will live in her heart forever, and wishes to lay this last tribute on the shrine of memory to one who was indeed a real friend in every sense of the word to herself and family.
October 26, 1902, she was married to Charles Cunningham of this place, and two beautiful children came to their home and are now left motherless.  She also leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, mother, two sisters and a brother, all of whom have the deepest sympathy of all who know them.
Mrs. Cunningham belonged to the Ladies Circle of the Methodist Church and was also a valued member of the choir.  Funeral services were held at the church Saturday afternoon.  A profusion of beautiful flowers whose perfume surely breathed the love and sympathy of those who mourn her covered the casket as she was borne to her long rest.
But no longer bowed with sorrow.
"At the portals of the tomb for us thoughts of God's tomorrow have dispelled the distant gloom, God's tomorrow, when forgotten, all our toil and grief and worry, faithful hearts in joyful meeting shall eternal gladness know.
Rev. Pastor's wife.

CROCKETT - FANNY LOUISE - 1956, Southwest Harbor

November 15, 1956
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Fanny Louise Crockett, widow of James Crockett,  died in a Bar Harbor hospital last week.  She was born in Tremont, a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Perkins) Lawton.
Mrs. Crockett was for many years a member of Rowena Rebekah Lodge at Southwest Harbor.
Surviving are several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Earl Gordon, with the Rev. William Mitchell officiating.
Burial was at Mt. Heigth cemetery at Southwest Harbor.
Bearers were Clark Lawton, Fred Lawton, Kingsley Gunio and Earl Gordon.


October 26, 1904
Bar Harbor Record

Joseph Dillingham Expires Suddenly While Listening To A Hearing.

One day last week at Portland death was in court, not as a spectator, but as an active agent.  Joseph R. Dillingham of Naples, a man advanced in years, a good citizen, in many respects, a leading man in his town, suddenly fell back and lived hardly long enough to be taken from the court room to the room of Sheriff Pennell.
It was a very impressive incident.  He was in a hearing then going on and was watching the proceedings from his seat in the rear.  He passed from the activities of life to the stillness of death at once.
Judge Peabody ordered an adjournment of the court.  Without the formality of an appeal, one of the parties before him in a civil suit, had gone before the court of last resort and he recognised the solemn nature of the strange interruption.

COSTON - EARL H. - 1955, Seal Harbor

May 26, 1955
Bar Harbor Times

Earl H. Coston, 68, died Tuesday at a local hospital following a long illness.
He was born at Palmyra October 7, 1886, son of the late Lincoln and Emma (McFarland) Coston.
He was a plumber by trade and was employed for 17 years by the Robert Stanley Plumbing Shop at Bar Harbor and in later years at Seal Harbor.
He was a past member of the Masonic Lodge.
Mr. Coston is survived by his wife, Ina of Seal Harbor;  two sons, Eddy of Seal Harbor and Paul of Bar Harbor;  two daughters, Mrs. Meredith Smith of Bar Harbor and Mrs. Jeanne Joy of Portsmouth, N.H.;  two sisters, Mrs. Mary Smith of Hartland and Mrs. Wallace Worth of Portland;  10 grand children, a nephew and a niece.

CONNERS - JULIA J. - 1894, Bar Harbor

March 15, 1894
Bar Harbor Record

Mrs. Julia J. Conners, widow of John Conners, who has made her home with her son, Capt. Alfred Conners, since the death of her husband a few years ago,  died Friday at the advanced age of 81 years.  Mr. and Mrs. Coonners are connected with the early history of Bar Harbor, having owned and lived upon Dorr Farm which is now such a magnificent and valuable estate.
Mrs. Conners was a sister of Mr. John Lynam.  She has another brother, Mr. George Lynam, living at Sullivan Harbor, and several sisters.  Mr. and Mrs. Conners brought up a large family of children, many of whom are prominent citizens of Bar Harbor;  Alfred Conners, John Conners, Frank Conners, Mrs. William Clark and Mrs. Nathan Salisbury.
Mrs. Conners four score years of life has been one of varying fortunes, and not without its accompaniment of joys and sorrows.  In her last years she has had every care bestowed upon her by Capt. Conners and his estimable wife.  Her funeral was attended by a large gathering of loving relatives - sons and daughters, children and grandchildren.

CONNORS - ALONZO - 1942, Bar Harbor

June 25, 1942
Bar Harbor Times

Alonzo Connors, 33, of Bar Harbor was fatally injured on Monday while working on a construction project at Great Diamond Island, near Portland.  Employed by the Stewart and Williams Company, Augusta contractors, materials fell off a truck onto Connors, crushing him badly.  He was taken to the Maine General Hospital in Portland where he died shortly after entering the hospital.
Born in Bar Harbor on August 28, 1908, he attended St. Edwards  Parochial School, and later was employed by Shea Brothers, contractors, and Hartland Murch.
He is survived, besides his mother, who has been an invalid for over 9 years, and is now very ill, by a son, Donald Alonzo Conners of Surry;  one sister, Mrs. Irving Gray;  two brothers, Oscar and Carl;  two nieces, Mrs. Kenneth Higgins of New York and Miss Christine Conners, of Bar Harbor;  five nephews, Stewart and Frank Gay, Lawrence, Allen and Walter Conners and several other relatives.
Funeral services are being held this afternoon at 2;30 o'clock at the Sherman Funeral Home with the Rev. Walter Hurley, officiating.  Burial will be at Hillside Cemetery in Hulls Cove.

SPURLING - CLYDE - 1931, Islesford

March 4, 1931
Bar harbor Times

Many people in the town where shocked and saddened Thursday to learn of the sudden death of Clyde Spurling at the Central New England Sanitorium in Rutland, Mass.,  where he had been for more than a year receiving treatment.  He had made rapid progress to a final recovery when taken with a serve cold, which resulted in spinal meningitis, which caused his death.  Clyde was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Spurling of Islesford, a most promising young man, of fine character and sunny disposition.
He was a graduate of the southwest Harbor High School class of 1929, and most capable in many lines of work as to his age, being in his twenty-first year.  The funeral was from the home of his parents at Islesford, Sunday afternoon.  Prof. Cummings of Bangor officiating.  The floral tributes were many and beautiful.  Internment was in the family lot at Cranberry Island.  Besides his parents, he leaves one sister, Mrs. Harvard Beal of Southwest Harbor, one brother, Elmer of Cranberry Isles, and St. Augustine, Fl., three half brothers;  Frederick of Westbrook,  Walter and Clarence Joy of Rockland, Maine, besides many relatives and a host of young friends.  Deepest sympathy is expressed for the family;  especially the devoted parents, as beside this deep sorrow, the passing of two daughters, Bernice, age 25, died Sept. 22, 1929, and Mrs. Ella Francis Fernald, aged 22, died Jan. 15, 1930.

HIGGINS - CLINTON B. - 1918, Bar Harbor

June 8, 1918
Bar Harbor Times

The sudden death of Clinton B. Higgins, one of Bar Harbor's best known business men and sportsmen, occurred Thursday evening at 10 o'clock from diabetics at his home on Locust Lane.  Mr. Higgins was born at Bar Harbor, 46 years ago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose H. Higgins.  He graduated from the public schools of this town and from Ricker Classical Institute at Presque Isle.  Mr. Higgins for a number of years was engaged in the harness and saddlery business and recently in the confectionery business at Bar Harbor.  He also had supervision of the family estate.  He was a member of the local order of Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows.  He was a keen sportsman and pleasant companion.  His many friends will learn of his death with regret.
Besides the widow, he is survived by three children;  John, Caroline and Mary;  a brother, E. Leander of Portland, Maine;  three Aunts, Mrs. W.M. Roberts, Mrs. Edwin H. Higgins and Mrs. Almira Ash;  and three Uncles, Nathan, Orlando and Alonzo H. Ash, all of Bar Harbor.
Funeral services will be held at the home on Sunday afternoon.

CLEAVES - LEONARD S. - 1907, Steuben

May 8,  1907
Bar Harbor Record

Mr. Leonard S. Cleaves, who died in Steuben February 28, 1907, was born in that town on March 25, 1823.  He was the oldest son of Joshua and Susan Haskell Cleaves.  His younger days were spent in  pioneer work on his father's farm.  It was interesting to hear him tell of times before railroads, carriages and other things.
He married Mary Elizabeth Watts in 1848 and for many years has lived upon the Joseph Watts farm which was originally the Benjamin Wakefield estate.  Mr. Joseph W. Cleaves who has charge of the farm, now represents the fourth generation who have lived in the house.

BULGER - CHARLES R. - 1963, Manset

December 12, 1963
Bar Harbor Times

Charles R. Bulger, 78, of Manset, died Sunday night at an Ellsworth hospital after a long illness.
He was born at Portland June 28, 1885, son of Enoch and Emma (Spuarling) Bulger.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Flewelling of Hermon, Mrs. Hope Bradford of Manset, a son, Richard of Manset, five grandchildren;  two great grandchildren, a sister, Alice Stanley of Northeast Harbor, a brother, Harvey of Cranberry Isle, two nieces.
Funeral services were held at Manset union Church Tuesday, the Rev. Bradford C. Payne, pastor, officiating.
Internment was in Mt. Heigth Cemetery, Southwest Harbor.

Friday, December 20, 2019

MCCASLIN - CHARLES - 1965, Southwest Harbor

August 12, 1965
Bar Harbor Times

Charles McCaslin, 79, of Southwest Harbor, died Monday at a Bar Harbor hospital after a brief illness.
He was born in Columbia Falls, July 8, 1886, the son of Charles and Priecilla (Tonney) McCaslin.
Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Erellia McCaslin of Portland;  one son, Millard McCaslin of Falmouth;  two sisters, Mrs. Mary Mitchell of Southwest Harbor and Mrs. Elizabeth Perry of Rockland;  two brothers, Melvar McCaslin of Rockland and Isaac McCaslin of South Thomaston;  one grandson, several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Fernald Funneral Chapel at Mt. Desert with the Rev. Charles Partridge of the Mt. Desert Larger Parish officiating.
Internment was in Mt. Heigth Cemetery, Southwest Harbor.

LIBBY - CHARLES - 1883, Machiasport

January 18, 1883
Mount Desert Herald

Charles Libby died at Machiasport on Monday Morning, Jan. 15, 1883,  aged 74.  He was the son of Col. Franklin Libby.  The latter was a well known business man of Machias.

CHANDLER - ANNIE BROWN - 1908, Columbia Falls

December 2, 1908
Bar Harbor Record

Passed from this life to the Great Beyond on the evening of November 7, 1908,  Mrs. Annie Brown Chandler, widow of the late Samuel Chandler, Columbia Falls, at the age of 65 years.  Two children are left;  Alphonzo H. Chandler, who holds the responsible position of President of the West Washington County Agricultural Society and Mary Ruggles Chandler, a graduate of the U. of M. and pharmacist at Columbia Falls, also a granddaughter, Christina Chandler, and two little grand sons, a brother in the West, Charlie Brown.
Mrs. Chandler was the daughter of Rev. Emory and Lucy Ruggles Brown, a consistent Christian of lovable disposition, gentle, courageous and hopeful.  The memory of her many generous kindly deeds will be inspiration not only to her immediate family but to the community, for being endowed with a keen intellect, and having a grand command of language, her lessons of life were unusually effective.  The loss of this dear friend who has entered unto the Great Mystery, can be sustained only by the Comforter.
"Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me."
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."

LELAND - GEORGIA N. - 1918, Ellsworth

October 19, 1918
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Georgia N. Leland died at Ellsworth on Wednesday morning at Bar Harbor on Pine Street after a weeks illness of influenza, terminating in pneumonia.
She was born in the town of Eden April 19, 1883, daughter of Herbert M. and Nancy P. Emery.  After completing her education she taught school a few years, first in West Surry and then in Ellsworth, working during her vacations in the registry of deeds with her grandfather, the late William B. Campbell.
She was married to Charles H. Leland, the present Post Master at Ellsworth, on Oct. 18, 1904, and had since made her home there.  She was very prominent in social and charitable work, being a member of the Eastern Star, and Rebekhas, the Women's Relief Corps, the Unitarian Church and the Red Cross, in which she had been extremely active during the past year.
Besides her husband and parents, she leaves one sister, Mrs. John W. Leavitt of Boston, and four brothers, Joseph and William of Bar Harbor, herbert of Somesville, Mass., and Oscar of Camden.  She had many friends in Bar Harbor, as well as throughout the county, who will mourn her loss.
Funeral services were held from the residence at Ellsworth on Friday afternoon, Rev. J.W. Tickle officiating.

NORWOOD - RALPH FAIRFIELD - 1964, Massachusetts & Tremont

April 30, 1964
Bar Harbor Times

Ralph Fairfield Norwood passed away April 20, 1964 at South Weymouth, Mass..  He was born November 20, 1892 at Tremont, Maine, son of the late Capt. Daniel F. and Harriet J. Vernill Norwood.
He is survived by his widow, Lottie Marie Donnelly, So. Weymouth, Mass., three daughters, Mrs. Maria Bicknell, Chatham, Mass., Mrs. Evelyn Murphy, New Jersey, Mrs. Harriet Clark, So. Weymouth, Mass.;  one sister, Mrs. Fredricka Black, McKinley;  one brother, Vernill  M. Norwood, Plainsfield, N.J.; ten grand children, five great grand children, several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held in So. Weymouth, Mass..  Burial was at Blue Hills Cemetery, Mass..

(He married Lottie on 28 Sep 1913 at Cambridge, Massachusetts)

REED - ISAAC - 1887, Waldoboro

September 23, 1887
Mount Desert Herald

The Hon. Isaac Reed, and old citizen of Waldoboro, and one of the most prominent of the old time Democratic Politicians of Lincoln County, died on the 19th instantly after a brief illness.  Mr. Reed was born in Waldoboro August 22, 1809.

SHANTZ - CATHERINE S. - 1965, Bar Harbor & Carversville, Pa..

September 30, 1965
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Catherine S. Shantz, 90,  of Bar Harbor;  widow of Rev. Joseph Shantz, died Thursday evening at a local hospital after a brief illness.
She was born at Quaker Town, PA., October 21, 1871, daughter of Christian and Rebecca (Smith) Shelly.
She was a member of the Holy Communism Lutheran Church of Philadelphia and attended the Bar Harbor Congregational Church.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ralph Anderson;  several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Monday at Carversville Congregational Church, Carversville, Pa..
Burial was in St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery, Carversville, Pa..

CARTER - ELLA F. "HANSON" - 1902, Bar Harbor

May 28, 1902
Bar Harbor Record

The saddest death for many a day at Bar Harbor is that of Mrs. Lester Carter  ( Ella F. Hansson Carter) which occurred at her home on Roberts Avenue at 9;30  Sunday morning of pneumonia.  The thought of the six little motherless children, the oldest 12 years, the youngest but a few days old, is the acme of sadness, and a feeling of deep sympathy toward the young husband prevades the town.
Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the house, Rev. Richard Owen officiating.
Mr. Carter's mother has been with the family during the wife's illness and will remain for the present.  Mr. Carter, it will be remembered, was crippled two years ago by the loss of his right hand, but has made a brave effort in supporting his family.   He learned to write with his left hand before he was out of the hospital and very soon resumed his position as book keeper for Leighton & Davenport which he still remains.

HIGGINS - CARROLL - 1960, Bar Harbor

April 28, 1960
Bar Harbor Times

Carroll Higgins, 55, of Bar Harbor, husband of Mrs. Marjorie Higgins died Sunday evening at MDI hospital after a long illness.  He was born at Mount Desert December 10, 1904, the son of Sidney and Elizabeth Young Higgins.
He was a member of the Bar Harbor Congregational Church, the Bar Harbor Masonic Lodge, the Knights of Pythias.  He was employed at the Jackson Memorial Laboratory at the time of his death.
Surviving besides his wife and mother are two daughters, Carol Jane and Mrs. Roy McFarland, both of Bar Harbor;  a son, Lawrance of Santa Ana, Calf.;  two brothers, Donald of Bridgeport, Conn. and  Pearl of Woodland;  a sister, Mrs. John Harriman of Bangor;  two grandchildren, three nieces and a nephew.
Funeral services were held at the Bar Harbor Congregational Church Wednesday with Dr. Ronald Mosley officiating.
Internment was in the family lot in Seal Harbor Cemetery.
Bearers were members of the Masonic Lodge;  Don Harris, Walter Flagg, Robert Avery, Herman Woodworth, Richard Stetson and Erwin Soule.

PRATT - CARRIE E. - 1947, Ellsworth

May 15, 1947
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Carrie E. Pratt, 87, native and resident for most of her life in Ellsworth, died Saturday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Smith, after a short illness.
She was a charter member of the Rebekah Lodge of Ellswort, and was an active member of Bayside Grange.  For a few years, she had lived with her daughter, Mrs. Earle Holt in Bar harbor.
Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Beatrice Smith and Mrs. Earle Holt;  and three grandsons.
Funeral services were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Smith, 67 Pine Street, Ellsworth, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Rev. Reuel Beach officiated.  Internment was in Woodbine Cemetery.

CARPENTER - EDWARD S. - 1947, Salisbury Cove

March 20, 1947
Bar Harbor Times

Edward S. Carpenter died Saturday, March 15, while working at Oak Point.  Mr. Carpenter was born in July 1867, the son of the late Sanford and Marian McFarland of Salisbury Cove.  After the death of his father, who was lost at sea, he was adopted by the late Orient Carpenter and came to this community to make his home.  He was a carpenter by trade and worked with R.L. White for many years.  For several years he was postmaster here and carried on a grocery store.  In early life he married Mattie Haines White of this place, who died several years ago.  They had one son, Frank, who survived his father.  In later life he was connected with the fish business as well as cutting wood and logs.  Although suffering from a heart ailment he continued at his work and was at his wood lot at Oak Point when death occurred.  He will be missed as one who was  always interested in community affairs and was always willing to support a worthy cause.  Funeral services were held at the Eden Baptist Church in Salisbury Cove, of which he was a member,  On Monday, March 17, at 2 o'clock,   with Rev. John Fickett officiating.  Internment will be in the family lot in Leland Cemetery at Salisbury Cove.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

HEDGES - CARL W. - 1956, Northeast Harbor

August 2, 1956
Bar Harbor Times

Carl W, Hedges, 73, died at his home on Summit Road, Northeast Harbor, early Sunday morning after a brief illness.
Born at Wainscott, Long Island, N.Y., October 31, 1882, he was the son of the late Carl Wilson and Abbey (Glover) Hedges.
Surviving are his wife, Ruth of Northeast Harbor;  two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Beyeler of Northeast Harbor, Mrs. Beatrice Harnish of Hartford, Conn., three step-sons, Howard Jenkins, Roy Jenkins, both of Northeast Harbor, George Jenkins of West Barrington, R.I., a brother, Wilson Hedges of Bridgehampton, Long Island N.Y., a sister, Mrs. Jack Edwards of Pasadena, Calf., two grandchildren;  several nieces and nephews.
Mr. Hedges was a member of St. Mary's Episcopal Church of Northeast Harbor, Lodge F. and A.M., No 208, a member of Mt. Mansell, Royal Arch Chapter, of Southwest Harbor,  Blanquefort Commandery of Ellsworth, Ocean Lodge 100F, of Northeast Harbor, OES Chapter of Northeast Harbor, Asticou Rebekah Lodge.
Private funeral services were held at the residence on the Summit Road Tuesday afternoon at  2;30 o'clock with the Rev. Rhys Williams of St. Mary's Church officiating.
Burial was in the family lot at Forest Hill Cemetery, Northeast Harbor.

SMALL - AVERY - 1922, Bar Harbor

November 8, 1922
Bar Harbor Times

Avery Small died October 30th at his home on Newton Way, after a long illness.  He had lived in Bar Harbor for the past 20 years and had many friends here who will deeply regret his death.  Mr. Small was a member of Battery L..  Sixth Coast Artillery and in 1898, the year of the Spanish War, was sent to the Phillippines.  He returned after three years of  able service in 1901.
Mr. Small leaves to Mourn his loss his widow, his parents, and a sister, Mrs. Cecil Lord of Portland.
Funeral services were held at the late home on Newton Way, under the auspices of George Edwin Kirk Post, American Legion.  The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. W.E. Patterson of St. Saviours Episcopal church.  Burial was in Ledgelawn Cemetery.

PETTINGILL - ARNO C. - 1944, Bar Harbor

November 9, 1944
Bar Harbor Times

Arno C. Pettingill died Sunday evening, November 5th, at the local hospital, after an illness of eight weeks.
He was born in Machias August 5, 1879, the son of Amasa and Susan Cook Pettingill, but had lived in Bar Harbor most of his life.
He was a lather by trade, but for the last eight years has been employed on the Rockefekker roads.
He is survived by two brothers;  Essie and Horace, of Bar Harbor;  and two nephews, Alton Pettingill of Canton, Mass., and Maynard Russell of Bar Harbor.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Sherman Funeral Home with Rev. J. Homer Nelson officiating.
The bearers were Leslie Hamor, Edward Whitmote, Arthur McQuinn and Charles Higgins.  Internment was at Hulls Cove Cemetery.

ORCUTT - JESSIE LOUISE - 1943, Portland

June 24, 1943
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Jessie Louise Orcutt died suddenly Sunday afternoon, June 20th, at the Osteopathic Hospital in Portland after a short illness.  She was born in Frenchboro in 1900, but had made her home in Bar Harbor  for the past several years.
She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Manuel Sylvia of Portland;  a son, Pvt. Austin French of the USA, who is stationed at Fort Williams;  and a sister, Mrs. Ernest Norwood of Southwest Harbor.
Funeral services were held at the Sherman Funeral Parlor on Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. J. Homer Nelson officiating.  Bearers were Michele Testa, Joseph Testa, Albert LaChance and Harry Johnson.  Burial was in the Hulls Cove Cemetery.

LELAND - CAROLINE H. - 1918, Trenton

January 26, 1918
Bar Harbor Times

The death of Mrs. Caroline H. Leland occurred at her home Jan. 8th, 1918, after a lingering illness patiently borns.  Mrs. Leland was of a kindly lovable nature and had won many friends.  She was the daughter of the late George C. and Elizabeth A. Stevens Haynes, and was born in Trenton, July 20th, 1841.  She married in early life Pearl L. Leland of Trenton and went as a bride to the old Leland farm, where she has since resided, living to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their wedding there on Dec. 27th, 1913.  Mrs. Leland was a cheerful friend.  Her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Brown of Mt. Desert, was unable to be with her at the last or to attend the funeral, on account of illness.
Mrs. Leland was for several years treasurer of the society of King's Daughters of this place, also of the Christian Endeavor sewing circle.
The funeral was from the home, the Rev. R.H. Moyle officiating.  The flora offerings were profuse and beautiful.  Four of the nephews, Alonzo Grindle, E.S. Hamor, Ralph Leland and Harry Leland were bearers.  Her remains were placed in the tomb to await burial.

MCFARLAND - HARRY S. - 1944, Bar Harbor

May 18, 1944
Bar Harbor Times

The death of Mrs. Harry S. McFarland occurred at the Mt. Desert Island Hospital on May 12th.
Mrs. McFarland was born August 31, 1860, in Ellsworth, the youngest daughter of Joseph and Lorinda Wood.  She is survived by her husband and one nephew, Olin Wood, of this town.
Funeral services were held May 15th, at the Sherman Funeral Home with Rev. J. Homer Nelson of the Congregational Church officiating.  The bearers were Harry Hamor, Chauncey,  Sanford and Howard McFarland.  Internment was in the Wood family lot at Ledgelawn Cemetery.

MITCHELL - CHARLES M. - 1942, Hancock

May 14, 1942
Bar Harbor Times

Charles M. Mitchell, 77, died Sunday morning at his home in Hancock.
He was born in Tremont, the son of John and Linda (Rich) Mitchell.  Surviving are five sons;  Alton, Elmer, Russell, Everett of Bernard, Charles of Frenchboro;  four daughters, Mrs. Rudolph Doliver of Manset, Mrs. Frank Gtt and Mrs. Earle Thurlow of McKinley, Mrs. Willis Twombly of Kennebunkport;  and several grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the home of his son, Alton, in Bernard, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Burial was at Mt. Heigth cemetery, Southwest Harbor.


March 22, 1922
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral services for  Benjamin Franklin Barstow were held at the church of the Holy Redeemer on Saturday morning at 9;30 o'clock.  Rev. Fr. J.D. O'Brien officiating.  There was a large attendance of friends.  The bearers were John Casey, Patrick MacDonald, Mark Guthrie and Kenneth McLean.  Burial was in the Catholic cemetery here.  Mr. Barstow, in addition to the relatives named in the obituary of last week, leaves another daughter-in-law, Mrs. Oscar Barstow, a brother, Reginald, in Portland, two sisters, Mrs. C.A. Phillips of Gardiner, and Mrs. E.M. Johnson of Machias.

HAMMOND - ALBERT 1918, Franklin

October 26, 1918
Bar Harbor Times

The friends and neighbors of Albert Hammond were shocked and grieved to learn of his death which occurried in his home Wednesday afternoon of pneumonia following an attack of influenza.  He leaves a wife and little daughter, a mother and two brothers, Henry, who is somewhere in France and Simeon, of this place;  a half sister, Mrs. Charlotte Jones.  Internment at the Shaw cemetery.   The family has the sympathy of many friends.

DUNBAR - AMARIAH B. - 1944, Lamoine

May 25,  1944
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral services were held recently for Amariah B. Dunbar of Lamoine at the family lot in the Hancock Cemetery.  Rev. John Fickett of Bar Harbor officiated.
He leaves his widow, two sisters;  Lottie A. Liscomb of Bar Harbor and Susie Ward of Northeast Harbor;  a nephew, Everett D. Liscomb;  and a niece, Mrs. Clara Butler of Salisbury Cove.

CAMPBELL - ALEXANDER S. - 1915, Bar Harbor

Funerary 27, 1915
Bar Harbor Times

Alexander S. Campbell died suddenly Sunday of Heart disease at his home, 81 Cottage Street, at the age of 80 years and 4 months.  Prayers were said at the late home Tuesday at 12;30 and the funeral was held in the Church of Our Father, Hull's Cove, the same afternoon.  Burial was at Hull's Cove.  Mr. Campbell was the son of John Campbell and Margaret Stanwood of Mattawamkeag.  He was a stone mason by trade.  He leaves three daughters;  Mrs. Charles Shea, Mrs. Alvah Pierce and Mrs. Calvert Hamor.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

POMROY - CRETIA & IRENE - 1949, Tremont

December 15, 1949
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral services were conducted Monday at St. Andrews Episcopal church in Trenton, Rev. David Bradley, Hulls Cove officiating, for Cretia Pomroy and Irene Pomroy, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pomroy, Seal Cove, who were killed in an automobile accident in Trenton Saturday morning.
Both attended Tremont schools and Pemetic High School where Irene was a member of the senior class at the time of her death.  Both were members of St. Andrews by the Lake Episcopal church, Seal Cove.
They are survived by their parents, three sisters, Miss Gaynel Pomroy, Salem, Mass., Mrs. Leola Higgins, Seal Cove;  Mrs. Hilda Merchant, Hall Quarry;  three brothers;  Alton, John  and Roger, all of Seal Cove;  and their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Seal Cove and Mrs. Cretia Pomroy of West Tremont.
Burial was in the Hill Rest Cemetery, West Tremont.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PAGE - ALISA JEANETTE - 1917, Hancock

September 22, 1917
Bar Harbor Times

Alisa Jeanette Page, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Page of Hancock, died at the Bar Harbor Hospital early Friday morning on her 11th birthday.  Her death was caused by an attack of appendicitis which in her weakened condition owing to previous illness she was unable to withstand.  The body was taken to Hancock for burial.

(Mothers name was Emma W Cline)

BIRLEM - ANGUSTUS - 1918, Southwest Harbor

October 5, 1918
Bar Harbor Times

Augustus Birlem died at his home Sunday night after a brief illness of heart trouble, at the age of 76  years, 8 months.  Mr. Birlem was highly respected and held in high esteem by all who knew him.  He is survived by a wife, who was Miss Emma Hamor, two daughters, Mrs. Eureka Stanley of Northeast Harbor, and Mrs. Leander Bunker of this place;  one son, Fred A. Birlem;  one sister, Mrs. Cook of Holden;  besides grandchildren and friends who will feel his loss keenly.  Funeral services were held at the church Tuesday afternoon, being buried under the Masonic order of Southwest Harbor of which the deceased was a member.  Rev. Angus Macdonald of Bar Harbor officiated.

Monday, December 16, 2019


August 18, 1949
Bar Harbor Times

Chester Carney, 68, of Otter Creek, died Aug. 10 at the Mount Desert Island Hospital after a brief illness.
He was the widower of Carrie Cone of Brewer, where they were married.  He was born in Aurora in 1881.  Mr. Carey, Mail Carrier for about six years in Otter Creek, was a resident of that town for the past 20 years.
He is survived by two sons, Arthur of Portland, James of Otter Creek, two daughters, Miss Ruth Cramer, of Otter Creek and Mrs. Lincoln Shaw of Westbrook.
Funeral services were conducted Friday at the church at Otter Creek with the Rev. Goldwin Pollard, of Seal Harbor, officiating.


April 28, 1960
Bar Harbor Times

Miss Clara Yvonne Cameron, 35, formerly of Bar Harbor, died Monday  at Pineland Training Center in Pownel, after a long illness.
She was born in Franklin March 10, 1925, the daughter of Edward and Esther (Bunker) Cameron.
She is survived by her parents of Bar Harbor;  two sisters, Mrs. Warren Fernald of Isleford and Mrs. Norma Hewitson of Bar Harbor, two brothers, Edward jr. of Bar Harbor and Robert Bruce of Ellsworth;  nine nephews and one niece.
Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at the Mcfarland Funeral Home with the Rev. John Philips, pastor of the church of Our Father, officiating.
Burial was in the family lot in Leland Cemetery in Trenton.
Bearers were;  Howard Ames, Earl Marshall, Shirley Corson, and Princeton Mcfarland.


November 30, 1882
Mount Desert Herald

Died in Eden, November 19, 1882, Capt. Jason Alley, aged 67 years.
In the death of Capt. Alley, the town has lost a good citizen, his wife a kind husband, and the children, whose circle has never been broken by death, a much loved father.
Capt. Alley was peculiar in the government of his family, he governed wholly by words of kindness and his effects were to instill into the minds of his children principles of virtue which should be their guidance in after life.  Watching with tender solicitude, every act of his children, it was a great pleasure to him to know that as his sons and daughters grew up, his hopes were realized.
At the funeral it was an interesting sight to see in one carriage the widowed mother and seven sons and daughters, men and women, who had come from three different states, (one of them from near the Canada line) to pay their last tribute of love and affection to the memory of a much loved father.
The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. A. F. Palmer, at the dwelling of the deceased, and listened to by a large congregation of relatives and sympathizing friends.

VERRILL - CAPT. JOHN - Bass Harbor

August 16, 1883
Mount Desert Herald

Passing away;  again we are reminded of the passage "In the midst of life we are in death."  It came to my mind a few weeks ago when news was received of the sudden death of Capt. John Verrill, of this place, who went from here to pilot a vessel to Blue Hill and on his return home in his boat died so suddenly.  His body was brought home for burial.
By his death this place has lost a good citizen.  We shall miss his familiar face and pleasant conversation.  He always had a kind word for everyone, and every sabbath he was present at the home of prayer.   I think he was a member of the Methodist Church.  He leaves a wife, three daughters and one son.
Bass harbor, July 30, 1883

FERNALD - CAPT. EDWARD S. - Little Cranberry Isle

Jan. 26, 1894
Bar Harbor Record

Capt. Edward S. Fernald, aged fifty-three years, died at his hom on Little Cranberry Isle, Ja, 4, 1894.  He leaves a wife, and one daughter.  He was confined to his bed less than four days, having been seized with convulsions the Sunday bight previous to dying Thursday noon and from that time did not seem to have any realization of his sufferings.  His mind had been enfeebled for nearly three years but he was able to be around.  Capt. Fernald for many years was a smart, enterprising  man and was very successful in his business, a kind and obliging friend and neighbor, an honored and valued citizen, and a man with deep sympathies with the sick and needy.  A Complication of reverses and losses a few years ago working upon a not over-strong brain probably had much to do with unbalancing his mind, which has gradually grown worse and worse until the end came.  Rev. G. E. Freeman preached a very effective sermon.

MACE - ALDEN F. - Southwest Harbor

March 20, 1958
Bar Harbor Times

Alden F. Mace, 80, of Southwest Harbor died Sunday at his home after a long illness. 
He was born in Osborn, March 26, 1877, son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Herrick) Mace.
He was a member of Pemetic Lodge, 100F, and Mount Desert encampment of Bar Harbor.
Surviving are two sons, Raymond and Ansel of Southwest Harbor, a grandson, Alan Mace of Baltimore, Md., and one nephew Ernest Pearson of Brewer.
Funeral services was held Wed. at the Congregational Church, Southwest Harbor, by the Rev. William Mitchell.

Sunday, December 15, 2019


June 17, 1954
Bar Harbor Times

Charles E. Suminsby died Tuesday evening at the Royal Nursing Home, Ellsworth, where he had been a patient for the past three and one half years.
Mr. Suminsby was born in Bar Harbor July 31, 1869, son of Calvin and Hannah (Worcester) Suminsby.  He was employed for many years as electrical engineer on the Kennedy estate in Bar Harbor.  He was a member of 100F.
Survives are a sister, Mrs. Florence Grant and one brother, Warren, both of Boston, Mass.
Funeral services were held at the Sherman Funeral Home this afternoon at two o'clock with the Rev.Canon Ralph H. Hayden officiating.
Burial was in Hillside cemetery, Hulls Cove with members of 100F conducting the service.

ASHLEY - ANN - Prospect Harbor

July 12, 1905
Bar Harbor Record

Mrs. Ann Ashley died of heart failure during  the night following Tuesday.  In the morning when she did not respond to the call of her son, with whom she has lived alone, he summonsed a neighbor and telephoned to his sister, Mrs. Blake, at Prospect Harbor, who came at once.  Mrs. Ashley has been an invalid for years though able to do the work for herself and son, with frequent kindly offers of neighbors, particularly Mrs. Workman, who in addition to others kindnesses, has never in twenty years let a feast day pass without carrying a generous serving of dinner to her invalid neighbor and it was she who stood by when the end came.  Funeral services were held on Thursday at the house, which was filled with the wild flowers she most cared for.    Mrs. Ashley was in her seventy-fifth year.


June 2, 1915
Bar Harbor Record

The remains of Mrs. Abigail B. Jordan whose age was 84 years, of Hancock, was brought here for internment, Sunday in the family lot.  She was the  widow of the late Lewis Jordan, the family being former residents here.  Her surviving children are two sons, Stewart S. Jordan and Humphrey Jordan of Hancock, they accompanying the remains of their mother back to the old place;  one daughter, Mrs. Ida Roberts of Bangor, and several grandchildren.  Mrs Jordan is the last one of the family of eight children of the late Alfred and Judith Blaisdell, old time respected people of this town.

Friday, December 13, 2019

BUNKER - CHARLES H. - Northeast Harbor

May 25, 1944
Bar Harbor Times

Charles H. Bunker, 78, for more then fifty years a resident of Northeast Harbor, died in a Bangor hospital last Thursday night.
Mr. Bunker was born in Sullivan but went to Northeast Harbor as  stone mason and for several years followed this work.  Later he took up gardening and was associated in this business with his son for the past 22 years.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ebadane Peckham Bunker;  a son, James P. Bunker of Northeast Harbor;  a sister, Mrs. Carrie Joyce of Southwest Harbor;  and a half brother, Daniel Bunker of Sullivan.  Several nieces and nephews also survive.
Funeral services were held at the residence last Sunday afternoon.  Burial was in Forest Hill Cemetery.

BYRON - ALICE - Bar Harbor

March 26, 1959
Bar Harbor Times

Funeral Mass for Mrs. Alice Byron was held at Holy Redeemer church Saturday with the Rev. John Kenny officiating.
Mrs. Bryon was born in Lake George, N.B. May 3, 1884, daughter of Michael and Margaret (Friers) Farren.  She lived in New Linneus before coming to Bar Harbor in 1939 where she made her home with her daughter;  and was receptionist at Cinderella Beauty Shop until her illness three years ago.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. Gardiner Norton, Bar Harbor, a foster daughter, Mrs. Daisy Deremer, Eugene, Oregon, a foster son, Norman Tapley, Bath, a sister, Mrs. William Wellington, Bowdoinham, and three grand children, Joseph, Philip, and Alice Norton, all of Bar Harbor.
Bearers were Norman Walsh, Lawrence Lynch, William Casey and Frederick Small.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

BREWSTER - CHARLES H. - Dedham, Maine

March 1, 1905
Bar Harbor Record

Charles H. Brewster died Feb. 18 of pneumonia at the home of his nephew, Albert B. Comins, in  Wakefield, Mass.  He was spending the winter with relatives and had been in good health.  The news of his critical illness and death came very suddenly and unexpected to his family and friends here.  His remains arrived Monday night accompanied by his son George, who went on Friday night and  a brother, Walter Brewster of Georgetown, Mass..  The funeral was held at his late home Tuesday at 2p.m., Rev. E.H. Boynton of the Brewer Methodist Church officiated in an impressive manner.  H.P. Burrill and Mrs. F.W. Fogg sang Nearer, Still Nearer, and My Jesus, As Thou Wilt.  There were choice floral tributes from the family and friends.  Mr. Brewster was born in Bucksport, the son of Melzer and Charlotte Towne Brewster who moved to Dedham when he was a small boy and where he has always lived with the exception of about 13 years that he spent in California when a young man.  After returning to Maine he was married to Miss Susan Peakes of Dedham whom he survived nearly six years.  His age was seventy-three years and one month.  Mr Brewster was an industrious  and prosperous farmer.  He was a kind father and brother and much respected as a citizen, neighbor and friend.  One son, George, who lives on the homestead, two brothers, Walter of Georgetown, Mass. and Seawall of East Holden, and one half brother, Simeon Peakes of Havanhill, Mass., survive him.  The funeral was in charge of P.P. Gilmore of Bucksport.  The bearers were G.P. Goodwin, J.F. Cowing, C.F. Smart and Mr. Young.  Internment in Central Cemetery.

SLEEPER - SUSAN - Bar Harbor

October 14, 1925
Bar Harbor Times

Susan Sleeper - Mre. Bert L. Sleeper died friday at her home in Albert Meadows after an illness of more than a year's duration.  Funeral services were held Sunday from the home of Mrs. Sleeper's daughter, Mrs. L. Lee Abbott and the internment was at Ellsworth, Mrs. Sleeper's former home.  The services were conducted by the Rev, J.W. Simmons, pastor of the Clark Memorial  Methodist Church.  The bearers were Ralph Emery, Lawrence Emery, Charles T. Higgins and Everett Liscomb.  There were many beautiful flowers from realitives and friends.

(Maiden name - Susan Mosley)


September 29, 1917
Bar Harbor Times

The death of Obed Clark Bickford, son of the late Joseph and Betsey Clark Bickford, occurred Sept. 18, at the home of his son, Herbert, at the advanced age of 88 years, 5 months and 13 days.  He had been in ill health for several years, but had kept his bed only a short time.  He had many friends in this and other surrounding towns who will miss him.  He was one who everybody respected and will be greatly missed in the home.  Much sympathy is felt for the family in their bereavement.
Mr. Bickford leaves to mourn his loss four sons, Herbert, Lewis, and Richard of Winter Harbor and Raymond of South Gouldsboro;  one daughter, Mrs. Elmer Rice of Birch Harbor, and one sister, Mrs. Jennie Wescott of Jonesport;  15 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church in Birch Harbor on Wed. at 2 p.m., Rev. Knights of Corea officiating.  Charles Lindsey acted as director.  The bearers were Mr. Harvey, Mr. Sellers, Capt. Nathan Bickford and Joseph Bickford.  The profusion of flowers showed the true friendship of his many acquaintances,  Internment was in the family lot by the side of his wife who passed away six years ago.
Winter Harbor Sept. 18, 1917.

PETTEE - SOPHIA BEAN - East Sullivan

Feb. 4, 1903
Bar Harbor Record

The funeral service of Sophia Bean Pettee was held at her home on Thursday afternoon.  Internment in Birch Tree Cemetery.  Mrs. Pettee leaves a husband, Abner Pettee, a son, Winheld and daughter, Mrs. Geneva Sargent.  In the death of Mrs. Pettee, in the prime of life,  her neighborhood and town loses a personality whose place it will be hard to fill.


October 16, 1952
Bar Harbor Times

Delta Richardson, 88, died Friday, Oct. 10 at the Mount Desert Island Hospital after a long illness.  He was born in Aurora, March 27, 1864, son of Elijah and Abbie (Jordon) Richardson.
He came to Bar Harbor in 1905 from Amherst, where he was in the lumber business.  He worked for the F.E. Sherman hardware store for six years before accepting the position of custodian of the local YMCA, where he was employed for 25 years before retiring a few years ago.  He was also employed for several summers at the information bureau at the Trenton bridge.
He was a member of the First Baptist church of which he was a deacon,  and Bar Harbor Lodge.

BEAL - CLARA MAY - Southwest Harbor

Feburary 19, 1959
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Clara May Beal was born at Beals, April 17, 1890, the daughter of Vinal O. and Nettie Alley Beal.  She leaves besides her husband, one daughter, Violetta Beal, of Darien, two sons, James Jr. of Rowayton, Conn., and Frederick of Wethersfield, Conn.;  her mother, Mrs. Nettie Beal, Manset, four grandchildren, Alan, Jay, Ted and Jane Beal, two brothers, Harvard of Southwest Harbor, Maurice of Manset, three sisters, Mrs. Robena Smith, Mrs. Virginia Michaud, Mrs. Velora Ellis all of Manset, a half sister, Lois E. Alley of Beals and serveral neices and nephews.  Entombment will take place at Mount Heigth Cemetery in Southwest Harbor to await spring burial.

BAKER - MINA M. - Portland, Maine

May 22, 1958
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Mina M. Baker, wife of John J. Baker of Washington D.C. and Bar Harbor, passed away Saturday afternoon at the residence of his father, William J. Larracy, 30 Pleasant Street, Portland.
She was born in Waterville, daughter of William J. Larracy and the late Georgia Carle Larracy.  She was graduated from Mexico High School and Gorham State Teachers College.
She was a communicant of St. Dominic's Church, Portland.
Besides her husband she is survived by her father, one daughter, Mrs. John C. Sweet of Bar Harbor;  one sister, Mrs. Wilda Wilson of Portland;  two grandsons, niece and 2 nephews.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 749 Congress  Street, Portland.   Requiem High Mass at St. Dominic's  Church, Portland.  Internment was in Calvary Cemetery, South Portland.

BUTLER - ANNIE L. - Seal Harbor

August 18, 1949
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Annie L. Butler, 80, widow of Samuel Butler, died Aug. 11 at the home of her son, Leo F. Butler, in Ellsworth after a long illness.
She was born in Franklin, May 8, 1869, daughter of Mark and Sarah Arnold Tracy.  She lived nearly all her life in Seal Harbor except for the past two years spent with her son in Ellsworth.
She is survived by one other son, Maurice, of Seal Harbor, and a daughter, Mrs. Mina Sargent of Ellsworth;  seven grand children, two great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were conducted on Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Jordon Funeral Home at Ellsworth with the Rev. Malcolm J. MacDuffie, astor of the Ellsworth Congregational Church, officiating.
Bearers were;  Harold and Charles Young, Lawrence Sargent and Frederick Driscoll Jr.
Burial was in Seal Harbor Cemetery.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


February 1, 1894
Bar Harbor Record

It was with sorrowful hearts that we recently received the news of the death of Mrs. Benjamin Reed, a native and former resident of this place, but whose home has been for several years at Somesville, Mt. Desert.  Mrs. Reed had been for many years a terrible sufferer, she having fought the dread disease consumption with patience that passed understanding.  The last years of her life were spent with her son Mr. Andrew Reed whose good hands and loving hearts did all in their power to relieve her sufferings.  Death came as a relief the 28th.  She was brought here the following Wednesday and laid to rest by the side of her children who have crossed over before.  She leaves a husband and five children who will mourn for a devoted, and kind and self sacrificing mother.


Febuary 23, 1956
Bar Harbor Times

Alvin Lewis Norwood, 77, died Sunday at MDI hospital after a long illness.
He was born at Tremont, June 9, 1878, son of William and Sarah (Twis) Norwood.
Mr. Norwood is survived by a son, Harry Norwood;  a daughter, Miss Avis Norwood, both of McKinley;  three sisters, Mrs. Alice Seavey, Mrs. Cora Rich, Mrs. Flora Colson, all of Tremont;  two  brothers, Jasper and Arthur, both of Tremont;  several grand children, nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Fernald funeral home in Somesville with the Rev. William Mitchell of the Southwest Harbor Congregational church officiating.
The remains were entombed for spring burial at Tremont.

SALISBURY - BAYARD T. - born Salisbury Cove

October 18, 1945
Bar Harbor Times

Bayard T. Salisbury died suddenly at his home in Brookline, Mass. on October 9th.  He was the second son of John Suminsby and Endora McFarland Salisbury, born at Salisbury Cove March 5th, 1861.  For many years he followed the sea, but after settling in the vicinity of Boston he worked at the Edison Light Co. for most of the rest of his active life.  His first wife was Mrs. Annie Hadley of West Eden.  They had one son, Kendall, who died three years ago.  Another member of the family is Mrs. Hadley's daughter, Maud, who survives.  Mrs. Salisbury died many years ago and later Mr. Salisbury married Julia M. Lomand of Boston, by whom he is survived.  Other surviving relatives are two brothers, Marston of Salisbury Cove and Wilbur of Paris;  one nephew, three nieces and several grand nephews and nieces and several great grand nephews and Nieces.  The funeral services were held at Mrs. Salisbury's home on Friday, October 12th.

COFFIN - BLANCHE E. - Bar Harbor

December 7, 1961
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Blanche E. Coffin, 67, widow of Jesse Coffin  of Bar Harbor, died Wednesday evening at a local hospital.
She was born at North Sullivan August 31, 1894, daughter of Thaddeus and Alice (Clark) Worrester.
She was a member of the Clark Memorial Methodist Church and the WSCS of the church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Marie Craig of Bar Harbor, Mrs. A. Stanley Getchell of Bangor, three sisters, Mrs.Georgia Whitney and Mrs. Marjorie Paine of Bar Harbor and Mrs. Ploomia Jewell of Canaan;  a brother, Frank Worcester of Winterport,  four grandchildren, several nephews and nieces.
Funeral services were held Saturday at McFarland Funeral Home, the Rev. John Bills of the Clark Memorial Methodist church officiating.
Burial was in Forest Hill Cemetery, Harrington.
Bearers were Durwood Coffin, Earl Jewell, Sheridan Jewell and Philmore Whitney.


Febuary 12, 1948
Bar Harbor Times

Annie Parker Davis, died at her home in Otter Creek on Feb. 5, after a long illness.  She was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1875.  She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mildred McKay, and three grandchildren all of Otter Creek, also several neices and nephews.  Services were held at her home on Saturday, Feburary 7, with Rev. John Kenny officiating.  Internment was in the Otter Creek Cemetery.  Bearers were;  Lowell Davis, Hoyt Stanley, Joseph Castellucci and Freeman Grindle.  Mrs. Davis will long be remembered for her cheerfuness and kind deeds to others.

YOUNG - ALEXANDER M. - Ellsworth

March 18, 1948
Bar Harbor Times

Alexander M. Young, 55, died at the Royal Hospital at Ellsworth on Monday, March 15th, after a long illness.  He was born in Grand Manan in 1893, son of the late James F. and Mary Googins Young.  He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mary Higgins, Somesville, Mrs. Marjounie Ranks, Randolph,  and Miss Jennie Young, Gardiner;  one son, Herbert, in the USA, three brothers, Merrill,  Leonard, and David of Bar Harbor, two sisters, Mrs. Fena Young of Trenton and Mrs. Lucy Wright of New York City.  The funeral is this afternoon at the Sherman Funeral Parlor with Rev. Hugh G. Westrup officiating.

Monday, December 9, 2019

ATWOOD - ERNEST A. - Seal Harbor

May 29, 1952
Bar Harbor Times

Ernest A. Atwood, 88, of Seal Harbor, died this afternoon in a Bar Harbor hospital after a short illness.
He was born at Bucksport Feb. 16, 1870, son of Joel and Marie (Cotton) Atwood.  He had lived in Seal Harbor for the past 50 years and had been a selectmen for the town of Mt. Desert from 1920 to 1932, serving as first selectmen for nine years;  also served as post master from Feb., 1935 to August, 1944, and had been a Mason for the 40 years.
Mr, Atwood is survived by his sister, Mrs. Carrie Cole, of Bucksport;  three sons, Ernest of New Britian, Conn;  Francis of Seal Harbor and Edwin of Newington Conn..
Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Guide House of Seal Harbor, with Rev. Anthony Treasure officiating.
Bearers were members of the family and burial was in Seal Harbor Cemetery.

ASH - WALTER R. - Bar Harbor

May 1, 1907
Bar Harbor Record

Sunday news was received of the death in Detriot, Maine of Walter R. Ash, which saddened many friends of the deceased here.  He was born in B ar Harbor, being the son of Alonzo Ash, who survives him.  His age was 23 years, 9 months and 26 days.
He was educated in the public schools here and later went to Boston to continue his studies.  By hard work and diligent study he passed his examination as a registered pharmacist in Maine, Massachusetts and Florida.  He was employed by Doe & Gouya, and at one time had charge of a drug store in Taunton, Mass..  He was after wards employed by John Doe and had charge of Mr. Doe's store here this fall until his health failed.  He went inland hoping to benifit by the change,  but has slowly failed until the end.  Everything was done for his comfort by his relatives, but to no avail.  In Detriot he was cared for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, who ministered to his wants in the most kindly way and who became deeply attached to him.
He made a brave struggle to regain his health and bore his illness with great patience and courage.  He was a bright attractive young man and justly popular.  He leaves a host of friends here, who speak in the highest terms of his sterling qualities and blameless character.
Besides his father, he leaves a brother, Burton Ash and five sisters;  Mrs. Charles H. Bulger, Mrs. P.N. Higgins, and Miss Evelena Ash of Bar Harbor, Mrs. Ida Richardson of Southwest Harbor and Mrs. Ceylon Emery of Salisbury Cove.
The funeral will be held today at 2 o'clock at the Congregational Church, conducted by Rev. A.M. Macdonald.  The Red Men of which he was a member, will attend in a body.


December 7, 1944
Bar Harbor Times

Anna Bylen Hellum, 73, died at the home of her son, Ralph, at Tuxedo Park, N.Y., last Sunday morning. 
She was born in Sweden December 29, 1870, but came to this country when she was quite young.  She married Hans Hellum in Philadelphia 55 years ago.  The family moved to Maine in 1916 and she had been a resident of Bar Harbor since 1918.  She was a member of the Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Hellum is survived by a son, Ralph, and by two grand daughters, Grace Anna and Madeline Hellum, and by one grandson, Rolf Hellum.
Funeral services were at the home of George Salisbury.  Bearers were George Salisbury, Harry Hamor, Cornelius Farley, Charles Falkenstrom, Charles Magnusson and Stewart Emery.
Internment was at Ledgelawn Cemetery.

WHITMORE - AFFIE M. - Bar Harbor

August 11, 1949
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Affie M. Whitmore, 84, widow of Frank E. Whitmore, died at her home here Monday morning after a long illness.  Mrs. Whitmore was born at Harrington, July 14, 1865, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Preble.  From the age of 18, Mrs. Whitmore was a resident of Bar Harbor, and a lifelong member of the Order of Eastern Star.  She was married to Mr. Whitmore in Bar Harbor in 1887.
She is survived by one son, Harold P. Whitmore, three sisters, Mrs.  Ella Hamor, Mrs. Annie Conners, Mrs. Alice Savage, all of Bar Harbor, one grand daughter, Mrs. Joseph Cahill of Woburn, Mass., and one great grandchild.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday at three-fifteen P.M. at the Sherman Funeral Home, Rodick street.  Rev. Ralph H. Hayden of the Episcopal Church officiated.
Burial was at the Ledgelawn cemetery.
Pallbearers were Gerard Alley, David Sleeper, Seth Libby and George Abbott.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

ALLEN - OBEDIAH - Mount Desert

JUNE 16, 1915
Bar Harbor Record

Mr. Obediah Allen, aged 86 years, one month, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Issac Somes last Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock.  Mr. Obed was one of the oldest residents in Mount Desert.  He was a man of strong character, devoted to his family and church.  He was truly the kind of man of whom we can never say we have too many.  He seemed to have a genius for making friends and keeping them.  Gentle in disposition, always thinking of others, and though his earthy life has ended, his memory will ever linger in the hearts of those whose life he sweetened by some little act of kindness.  He is survived by two children, Mr. M.L. Allen and Mrs. Isaac Somes, seven grandchildren, four great grand children.  The funeral services were held Friday afternoon, many relatives and friends being present.  The services were conducted by Rev. J. Walker.  The burial was in the family lot at Brookside Cemetery.


Aug. 10, 1904
Bar Harbor Record

Asa Burdett Burrill, youngest son of the late Asa C. and Nancy Blaisdell Burrill of Dedham, died at his home in Brockton, Mass. July 14 of typhoid fever, aged 36 years, 2 months and 16 days.  His death came as a great shock to his relatives here as tidings from him had been quite encouraging until seventy four hours before his death, when a telegram was received saying there had been a change for the worse.  His mother and brother, E.W. Burrill, started at once, hoping to reach there in time to see him alive but were too late as he passed away at 4 o'clock, Sunday morning, a few hours before they arrived.
On Monday afternoon funeral srvices were held at his late residence, conducted by Rev, Edwin P. Moulton of the Free Baptist Church, who spoke in kindly terms of the deceased. 
Mr. Burrill was ambitious and enterprising, of excellent character and pleasing address and found friends wherever he went.  He had a great love for music for which he had a decided talent.  In October 1887 he was married to Miss Lizzie  Eldredge of East Bucksport and a few years after they moved to Ellsworth, where he was a valued employee in the B.E. Cole shoe factory for about seven years, leaving there in 1897.  Four years ago they went to Brockton where he went into business for himself and in which he was successful.
He leaves a wife, a mother, Mrs Nancy Burrill, two brothers, H.P. and E.W. Burrill of Dedham, and three sisters, Mrs. Emma Fogg.  Mrs. Marcia Blood of East Bucksport, Mrs. Nellie Turner of Brewer.  Among the floral tributes was a  standing cresent with "Husband" from the wife, a cresent of ivy and roses from the brothers and sisters;  and included in those from friends in Brockton was a standing anchor and dove from neighbors and friends;  spray pinks and roses from First Baptist Church;  spray pinks  Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burrill, baskets Mrs. Chandler Ross;  Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Braton;  double spray of sweet peas each J.R. Ryder, Mr and Mrs. M.E. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Frame and many more from children and others.  The funeral was directed bu Jesse Black and the bearers were A.P. Maddox, Cyrus Swett, Leonard Black and George Brewster.  The interment was in the family lot in Union cemetery.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


December 12, 1900
Bar Harbor Record

The funeral services of Mr. Amasa D. Pettengill were held in the Methodist Church Monday afternoon.  Undertaker F.F. Sherman had charge of the arrangements, and the services were conducted by Rev. S.L. Hanscom, pastor of the church.
The choir rendered two selections with good effect, and joined in the chorus of "Meet Me There,"  which was sung as a solo, and very touchingly by Miss Mabel Pray.
Mr. Pettingill, who died at his home in Bar Harbor, December 8, 1900, was born in Machias December 4, 1832.  He resided in Bar Harbor during the last nineteen years, and was highly respected by all  who knew him, and beloved by those who were closely associated with him in life.  He was for many years in the employ of the firm of Asa Hodgkins & Sons, and on the day of the funeral the mill was closed, and the firm and employees attended the service.
The Bar Harbor lodge of United American Mechanics, of which Mr. Pettengill was a charter member, rendered the family good service during the trying weeks of his sickness, and was well represented at the funeral.  The only relatives from out of town who could be present were one sister, Mrs. George Hamor, and Samuel Cook, brother of Mrs. Pettingill.
A wife, five sons, one daughter, one sister, two brothers and many friends mourn his death.  The remains were taken to Machias for burial,  accompanied by his two sons, Clifford and Amasa.

HAVEY - ADDIE G. "PINEO" - West Sullivan

June 10, 1948
Bar Harbor Times

Mrs. Addie G. (Pineo) Havey, 88, widow of Samuel P. Havey, died early Sunday morning at her home, 175 Forest Ave. following a long illness.
She was born in Cutler, daughter of Charles Byron and Mary Morrow Pineo and moved to East Sullivan at an early age.  She later became a teacher in the North Sullivan schools.
In 1880 she married Samuel Havey, who conducted a granite business until his death in 1914.  She was a member of and active in the Union Church of North Sullivan.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Walter R. Edgecomb, and a grand daughter, Jean Elaine Edgecomb, both of Bangor, a neice, Mrs. Bernard Benner of Waldoboro;  four nephews, Harold P. Jackson of N.J., Capt. Warren A. Shaw of Prospect Harbor, Judge Normab Shaw of Bar Harbor and Richard Shaw of Prospect Harbor.
Private funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence.  Internment was in the family lot in Gorden Cemetery at  West Sullivan.


September 20, 1935
Bar Harbor Times

Archie R. Salisbury, one of the prominent businessmen of Southwest Harbor, died at his home there on Tuesday, September 17, after some months of failing health.  Mr. Salisbury was born in Bar Harbor in 1879, the son of Steven and Elizabeth Salisbury.  He was in the plumbing business in Bar Harbor about sixteen years ago to become to become a member of the firm of Gilley and Salisbury.  After a few years he established a plumbing business of his own, which he has since conducted.  In 1934 he built the Salisbury building in the center of the village.
Mr. Salisbury was a Mason and at Bar Harbor an Odd Fellow, a good neighbor and one who had many friends.  He leaves his wife who was Celia E. Richardson, one brother, Roy Salisbury of Bar Harbor and one nephew, Anson Dorr of Dexter.
Funeral Services were held at the home on Thursday afternoon with Rev. R.L. Carson  of the Episcopal Church.  Burial was at Mt. Heigth.

LURVEY - GEORGE A. - Southwest Harbor

June 13, 1906
Bar Harbor Record 

The community is saddened by the death of George A. Lurvey who is sincerly mourned by all who knew him.  He had gone to Swan's Island for a visit, was taken sick with pneumoia and died in a few days.  He was a native of Southwest Harbor, being the son of Gilbert L. and Mary G. Lurvey and had held prominent offices in his own, being one of the selectmen at the time of his death.   He was a great advocate of temperence, and after the I,O. of G.T. of Southwest Harbor was finally dissolved, he joined the lodge at West Eden.  The lodge sent a beautiful floral pillow and was well represented by everyone that knew him both old and young and his loss will be greatly felt here.  Besides his parents he leaves a sister, Mrs. Edward Stanley of Northeast Harbor.


May 16, 1906
Bar Harbor Record

A sad accident occurred Monday at the Porcupine Hotel where Lewis Smith, a 15 year old boy of Surry, fell from the fourth story to the sidewalk, striking on his head.  He was picked up and taken at once by doctor Averill, to the hospital, but died in a short time.  He was employed at the hotel and was carrying water to a man and a woman who were cleaning the house.  He started t go out on the coving of the building, a place about twenty inches wide, and the people warned him of the danger, but he did not heed them.  He walked around and came back to the window, and again they urged him to come in.  This was the last they saw of him, and it is supposed that he became dizzy and fell, striking the wires in front, from which  he received a shock, burning his hand badly.  There was evidence of the boy vomiting, which may of been caused by dizziness.  The distance to the ground was about 40 feet.  No one can be blamed for the sad affair.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

SMITH - ROBERT - Bar Harbor

December 1892
Bar Harbor Record

Little Robert Smith, the eight year old son of Mr. Freeman Smith  who was injured a short while ago by being run over by a jigger, by which his scalp was torn from his head, died this week from the injury received.  The wound had apparently healed nicely and the little fellow was supposed to be on the high road to recovery when abscesses formed in the head and caused his death.  The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


August 25, 2011 7:34 pm

CORINTH – Linda Jean Barnett, 56, died Aug. 24, 2011, at her residence. She was born July 17, 1955, a daughter of Ernest and Anita (Mann) Richards Sr.

At a very young age, she was adopted by Rodney Woodbury, who raised her. She had been employed as a herdsman at several dairy farms.

She is survived by a daughter, Christiana Larry; three sons, Micheal Frost Sr. and wife, Lorrell, Roland Frost and partner, Kimmy Fournier, and Rodney Barnett and wife, Brandy; her stepchildren that she considered to be her own, Darcy, Becky, Jessica, Donnie and Eric Fillmore, Wayne Littlefield, and Christopher Hutos; four brothers, Rick Woodbury and wife, Bonnie, Ernie Woodbury and wife, Mary, Ralph Woodbury and wife, Linda, and Randy Woodbury and partner, Charlene Smart; a sister, Debbie Sprague and husband, Carl; many grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She will always be loved and missed by her family and friends. She was predeceased by her father, Ernest; her mother and stepfather, Anita and Rodney Woodbury; son-in-law, Otha "Lee" Larry; and grandchildren, Micheal Frost Jr., Linda Frost and Willette Edwards.

Graveside services will be held 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1, at Greenwood Cemetery, Atkinson, with the Rev. David Ray Sr. officiating. Arrangements are by Crosby & Neal, Newport.


September 25, 2008 11:17 pm

DEXTER and GARLAND – Rodney J. Woodbury, 65, died Nov. 7, 2003, at a Dover-Foxcroft hospital. He was born April 23, 1938, at Dexter, a son of William and Hannah (Curtis) Woodbury. He was employed at Dexter Shoe Co. for 25 years and was a member of the Exeter Full Gospel Church. He is survived by four sons, Ernest and wife, Mary, and Randall, all of Dexter, Ricky and wife, Bonnie, of Garland, and Ralph of Lincoln; two daughters, Linda Barnett of Glenburn, Deborah and husband, Carl Sprague, of Exeter; one stepson, Joseph and wife, Annie Woodbury, of Corinna; two step-daughters, Florence Meservey of Dover-Foxcroft, and Alice Meservey of Old Town; two brothers, Maynard, William and wife, Elaine, all of Dexter; a sister, Arlene Goldsmith of Corinna; many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews; as well as special friends, Richard and Jane Thompson. He was predeceased by his wife, Anita; and three great-grandchildren, Michael and Linda Frost and Willette Edwards. At his request there will be no visitation. A graveside funeral service will be held 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10, at the family lot, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Dexter, with the Rev. Chris Faloon officiating. Donations may be made to assist the family with expenses, care of Crosby & Neal Funeral Home, 61 Main St., Dexter, ME 04930.


September 25, 2008 11:17 pm

CORINNA – Arlene G. Goldsmith, 68, died Jan. 5, 2004, at a Bangor hospital, after a courageous battle with cancer. She was born Oct. 25, 1935, in Dexter, daughter of William and Hannah (Curtis) Woodbury. She was a devoted wife and mother. She enjoyed playing golf and gardening. She was predeceased by her husband, James Goldsmith Sr., in 1997. She is survived by three sons, Ronald and his wife, Cheryl Goldsmith, of Corinth, Donald and his wife, Linda Goldsmith, of Sturbridge, Mass., and Douglas Goldsmith of Chandler, Ariz.; two daughters, Judy and her husband, Paul Cullen, of Corinna, and Karen and her husband, Ray McPherson, of Garland; two brothers, Maynard Woodbury, and Billy and his wife, Elaine Woodbury, all of Dexter; a sister-in-law, Louise Gagnon of Massachusetts; and a brother-in-law, Roger Woodard of Dexter; 15 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was also predeceased by a son, James Goldsmith Jr.; and a granddaughter, Tiffanie Goldsmith. Friends may call 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2004, at the Crosby & Neal Funeral Home, 61 Main St., Dexter. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home with Rev. Ronald Libby officiating. Spring burial will be in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Dexter. Those who wish may make donations to Soul’s Harbor, P.O. Box 155, Charleston, ME 04422.

Arlene G Woodbury Goldsmith
BIRTH 25 Oct 1935
Dexter, Penobscot County, Maine
DEATH 5 Jan 2004 (aged 68)
Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine
Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Dexter, Penobscot County, Maine


September 25, 2008 11:15 pm

OLD TOWN – Jennie Matilda (Sidelinker) Flanders, who was born June 12, 1926, in Veazie, went to join the angels of our Lord Jan. 9, 2005, at her home in Old Town as a result of cancer. Jennie was the 13th of 14 children born of Ada and Osgood Sidelinker: Osgood, Leslie, Wellington, Dorothy, Fern and Mary, who died in infancy; and Urban, Emmery, Ethel, Bertha and Nellie, who predeceased her; and her remaining dear brothers, Elliott now in Bradley with his wife, Hope; and Lyndon, now in Asheville, N.C. She graduated from Bangor High School. In March of 1948, she married Earl M. Flanders and they settled in Veazie to raise a family. Together they had three children. She loved playing games with her children, and always had time for a good game of Monopoly or Canasta. Once all her children were in school, Jennie went to work at Betts Book Store in Bangor. Additionally, she was active in the life of Veazie community, including the American Legion Auxiliary, and the John R. Graham school PTA. She was a member all her life at the Veazie Congregational Church. When her children were growing up she was active in the church youth group activities, she was a Brownie den mother and regularly participated in the various social events at the Veazie Town Hall, including roller skating, Friday night dances and public suppers. She sustained friendships that spanned more than 50 years and will be sadly missed by her longtime friend, Janet McKay. In 1966, Jennie went to work in the Circulation and Reserve Department at the University of Maine Library and worked there until her retirement in 1991. Over the years at the library, she became the “campus mom” for several students. In 1973, after a divorce, Jennie moved to Old Town and became active in the Bangor Singles Club, where she held several leadership offices over the years. She loved to dance and was never without a partner at the weekly dances. Soon after retirement from the University, she began volunteering at Northeast Combat, “working” there to stay active in the community. She also was active in her support of the Animal Orphanage in Old Town and the Crossroads Ministry. She enjoyed participating in the Arthritic swim program at the Old Town YMCA and made many new friends there, including her special friend, Junie Grant. In addition to her two brothers, Lyndon and Elliott and his wife, Hope and their children, Stephen and Ann Marie; she is survived by her children and their families: Lorelei Wing of Old Town, Maurice and Susan Flanders and sons, Brian and Scott of Asheville, N.C., Madonna Flanders of Bangor and daughter, Michelle Share of Hampden, and her special great-grandson, Devon Share of Hampden. She will be sadly missed by her loving cat, Tinker-Belle. Additionally, she is survived by numerous special nieces and nephews, including Ann Marie and Stephen Sidelinker and her special niece, Pat Saunders of DeBarry, Fla.; her great-niece, Terry Remairez of Susanville, Calif.; and her “daughter in heart” Laura-jean Eckard of Dover Foxcroft. She will be especially missed by dear friends, Roxanna Adams and Auralie Matthews with whom she shared many special times, including annual winter treks to Carrabassett. The family invites you to join in saying farewell to from 6-8 p.m. Friday Jan. 14, 2005, at Brookings-Smith, Old Town Chapel, 205 Main Street, Old Town. A service celebrating the life of Jennie S. Flanders will be held 11 a.m. Saturday at the Veazie Congregational Church, 1404 State St., Veazie with the Rev. Patricia Moore, pastor, officiating. Relatives and friends are invited to share conversation and refreshments in the church fellowship hall immediately following the service. Memorial donations in Jennie’s memory may be made to Northeast Combat, 109 State St., Bangor, ME 04401 or Old Town Animal Orphanage, P.O. Box 565, Orono, ME 04473.


April 16, 2013 7:35 pm

DEXTER – Albert F. Kimball Sr., 81, died April 14, 2013, at Citrus Memorial Hospital, Inverness, Fla. He was born April 1, 1932, in Parkman, the son of Leslie and Etta (Woodard) Kimball.
He worked many years for Dexter Shoe Company, Dexter. After retirement Al and his wife, Murlene, traveled across the United States and spent time camping in various areas in the states of Maine and Florida until eventually deciding to spend summers at their summer home on Lake Wassookeag, Dexter, and winters in Bushnell, Fla. Al was a devoted husband of 62 years and a loving father who had many friends.
He is survived by his wife, Murlene (Jones) Kimball; three children, Albert Kimball Jr. and wife, Roxanne, of Exeter, Richard Kimball and wife, Rhonda, of Vassalboro and Patricia (Kimball) Fajans and husband, Noel, of Merrimack, N.H.; brother, Phillip Kimball and wife, Yvonne, of Fairfield; sister, Carlene Hamlin and husband, Mack, of Fairfield; seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents; sister, Maxine LaBlanc of Fairfield; and his beloved Scottish Terrier, Duncan. For all who knew him, they became his friend and he theirs.
At his request, there will be no service or calling hours. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to American Heart Association, 51 U.S. Route 1, Suite M, Scarborough, ME 04074. Arrangements by Crosby & Neal, Dexter. For an online guest register, go


March 30, 2010 7:24 pm

BUCKSPORT – Joan (Garcelon) Young, 94, of Dedham, passed away March 27, 2010. She was born Nov. 21, 1915, in Troy, the second oldest of eight children. In her early years she excelled in sports, attended Maine Central Institute, furthered her education at Castine Normal School and graduated with a teaching certificate to became a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in East Bucksport. Joan married Clarence Young in 1943, and lived and worked alongside him at Bald Mountain Farm, Dedham, for more than 24 years. She returned to a fulltime teaching career in 1971 at Dedham Elementary School after attending the University of Maine to complete a Bachelor of Science degree. Joan also traveled throughout the U.S. and Canada, was a square dancer, ceramic crafter and hosted many social events including two International Festivals at Bald Mountain Farm and hosted several international exchange students. During her long life she was a valued member of the community who attended Dedham Congregational Church, volunteered for Boy Scouts and 4-H, and started Bald Mountain Busy Beavers 4-H club. She also worked the concession stand at Bald Mountain Ski Area for more than 20 years. She was the beloved wife of the late Clarence Young; and devoted mother of Brian and Derald Young. Joan is survived by her sister, Terry Steele and husband, Ronnie; her brother in-law, Owen “Buddy” Young and wife, Lorna; her sister-in-law, Marilyn Holyoke and husband, John “Pete;” daughter-in-law, Joy Young; and her cherished caretaker, Iris Wood and family. She was also the proud grandmother of Danny, Becky, Mathew and his wife, Jessica, Jennifer, Jimmy and Lauren Young; great-grandmother to Davis and Eden Young and Anthony and Geneva Lozito; as well as a loving aunt to many nieces and nephews. Her entire family will miss her always. Joan’s loved ones would like to invite family and friends to a memorial service 2 p.m. Saturday, April 3, at Dedham Congregational Church, with a reception held immediately after. Her interment will be at a later date this spring. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations in Joan’s honor be made to Dedham Elementary School or Dedham Historical Society.

KIMBALL - PHILIP E. - Fairfield

FAIRFIELD - Philip E. Kimball - Heaven was blessed with another beautiful angel. Phil lost his 12-year battle with cancer on May 15, 2014, with his loving family by his side.
He was born April 20, 1947, in Dover-Foxcroft, the son of the late Etta (Woodard) Leavitt and the late Leslie Kimball.
Phil graduated from Lawrence High School in 1966. He married the love of his life, Yvonne Quimby, on Sept. 23, 1967. They lived for many years in the town of Albion, where they raised their three beautiful children. Phil was self employed for many years, and retired from the town of Fairfield in 2004.
The most important thing in Phil's life was his family. He spent many hours with his family working on the race cars and cheering on the grandkids on race night. He also spent many hours working on the tractors for the tractor pulls with his sons and grandsons. In his free time, Phil enjoyed woodworking, making many gifts for family and friends.
Phil was predeceased by his parents; his stepfather, Thomas Leavitt; his brothers, Paul and Al Kimball; his sister, Maxine LeBlanc; and his nephew, Michael "Turkey" Hamlin.
He is survived by his wife, Yvonne; their children, Jeff and his wife, Kim, and their children Shelby and Matt, Laura and her children, Sara and Colby, and Tony and his wife, Michelle, and their children, Travis and Tyler. Phil is also survived by his sister and "brother," Carlene and Mack Hamlin; his brother, Tom Leavitt, and his wife, Peg; brother-in-law Marc LeBlanc; sister-in-law Murlene Kimball; his aunt and uncle, Marion and Stanley Brown; and his son-in-law, Larry Davis. He was also loved by many nieces, nephews, cousins and special friends.
As Phil would say "Everything will be all right."
Visiting hours will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday, May 19, at Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield. A funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, at the funeral home, with pastor Steve Donahue officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Phil's memory to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, P.O. Box 849168, Boston, MA 02284-9168; or the Brigham and Women's Hospital Development Office, 116 Huntington Ave., 3rd floor Boston, MA 02116.
An online guest book may be signed and memories shared at
Arrangements are by Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield.

FLYNN - EDWARD D - Machiasport

BUCKS HARBOR - Edward D. Flynn, 78, died Dec. 17 at a Machias hospital.
He was born at Machiasport Feb. 13, 1894, the son of William and Lottie (Clark) Flynn.
He was a lifelong resident of the Machiasport area and was a fisherman by occupation. He was a veteran of World War I, having served in the U.S. Army. Hew was also a member of the Bucks Harbor Trange; the Ephriam Johnson Post, American Legion; and the O’Brien Barracks, veterans of World War I, both of Machias.
He is survived by his widow, Bertha (Tucker) Flynn; two sons, Harland E. Of East Hartford, Conn., and George L. of Bucks Harbor; three daughters, Mrs. John (Mary) Longfellow of East Machias, Mrs. Bruce (Catherine) Getty of Jacksonville, Fla. and Mrs. Dennis (Roberta) Myers of Feeding Hills, Mass.; one brother, Joseph Flynn of West Roxbury, Mass,; one sister, Mrs. Wesley (Mabel) Blaisdell of Washington, D.C.; 18 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Bucks Harbor Baptist Church.
Burial will be in the Bucks Harbor Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Gardner Funeral Chapel in Machias all day Tuesday and Tuesday evening.

Capt Edward Dow “Ned” Flynn
BIRTH 13 Feb 1894
Machiasport, Washington County, Maine
DEATH 17 Dec 1972 (aged 78)
Machias, Washington County, Maine
Hillside Cemetery
Machiasport, Washington County, Maine

Monday, December 2, 2019


ORLAND - Bruce Hersey, 53, passed away unexpectedly March 1, 2014, surrounded by his wife and several of his best friends. He was born March 14, 1960, in Bangor.

He traveled the world with the U.S. Air Force settling in California for many years. Bruce moved home to Maine 15 years ago to be with his family, and has managed Autocraft in Glenburn most of that time and has made many friends along the way with his outgoing and compassionate personality. He met the love of his life, Heather (Powers-Harriman) and they were married at their home in Orland in July of 2011. Bruce loved to hang out with his many friends, play pool, ride his Harley, and camp with his friends. Bruce will be missed by all who knew him for his love, kindness, generosity, and his big heart. He was always there for anyone who needed him.

He is survived by his wife, Heather; daughters, Cassie and Vanessa, mother of beloved grandson, Kaeden, whom he cherished with all his heart. Bruce also leaves his sister, Barbara Guerrette and husband, Kevin Baker; sisters, Brenda Hall and Beth Hersey; brothers, Brian Hall and wife, Tammi; brother, Brett Coleman; several nieces and nephews; uncles, John and Jack; his best friends, Michael McKinney, David Adams and Edward Rankin; and his devoted dog, Doodle. He was predeceased by his mother, Joletta; and his beloved nephew, Tristan.

Memorial services will be held noon Saturday, March 8, at Mitchell-Tweedie Funeral Home, 28 Elm St., Bucksport. All are welcome to join us afterwards at a reception at Bruce and Heather's home in Orland. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Make-A-Wish or The Ronald McDonald House in honor of Tristan

This obituary was originally published in the BDN Maine.

RICE - WARREN H. - Northfield

September 25, 2008 11:14 pm

NORTHFIELD – Warren H. Rice, 58, passed away Monday, Jan. 15, 2007, at a Bangor hospital after a long and courageous battle with cancer. He was born June 29, 1948, in Saco, the son of Virgil and Ruth (LePorte) Rice. He attended local schools including Washington Academy and later graduated from the University of Maine – Presque Isle. Warren served with both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy, and upon leaving the military he lived in Connecticut and Florida for many years before returning to Maine. Warren was an avid outdoorsman and loved working on his home, which he built with the help of family and friends. He could usually be found on his property cutting trees for firewood, gardening, working with his tools or walking with his beloved canine companion, Baxter. He was employed by the state of Maine as a corrections officer at the Downeast Correctional Facility, Bucks Harbor until his illness and was a member of The American Legion, Post 9 in Machias. Warren is survived by his loving partner and lifemate, Dale Munn, with whom he shared his home; his stepmother, Althea Rice of Presque Isle; two sisters, Sylvia and Paul Nadeau of Bowdoinham and Ruthann and Greg McNamee of Presque Isle; four brothers, David and Jae-Soon Rice of Daleville, Ala., Ronald and Betty Rice of Woodland, Robert and Rita Ann Rice of Presque Isle and Walter Rice, also of Presque Isle; by two stepsisters, Susan and Patty; and one stepbrother, James; several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his mother, father; and by his son, Thomas W. Rice, the light of his life. A memorial service will be held in the spring. Details will be published at that time.

DOW - ERNEST - Newport & Florida

Ernest Dow, 68 of Plant City, Fla., died September 30, 2010, at his sister' s home. He was born in Newport, Maine, May 10, 1942, a son of Lena and Ward Dow. He graduated from Newport High School in 1960. He proudly served in the U.S. Marine Corps. for four years. He retired from Alcoa Aluminum in 2003. He loved spending time with his family, often making things from wood for his family. He loved tinkering and fixing things for people. He was predeceased by his parents. Survivors include, daughter, Joanie and her husband, Richard Hoffman Sr. and their family of Garland, Maine; son, Michael Chabot and his wife Stephanie and their family of Corinna, Maine; son, Chris Dow of Plant City.; sister, Marian Elkins of Plant City; brother, Hilton Dow of Magnolia, Del.; and many grandchildren, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral arrangements are private at the request of the family. Any donations may be made to St. Jude' s Childrens Research Hospital.

Haught Funeral Home


Married name changed to Lockwood by ANN DOWNS, 22 Nov 2019.
Social Security Death Index is Glendene M. Woodard.
GUILFORD- Glendene M. Woodard, 66, died January 28, 2013, at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor. She was born August 16, 1946, the daughter of Llewelyn and Marion (Brown) Woodard.

She is survived by her mother, Marion and her father who raised her, Stanley Brown of Guilford; sons, Timothy Richards and his wife, Jane, Gary Richards and his wife, Charlene, and William Richards; daughters, Cindy Wright and her husband, Gene, Patricia Badger, and her companion, Chris, Charlene Rideout and her companion, Dean Munson, Viola Batchelder and her husband, Philip, Ivorlena Smith and her companion Ryan, and Theresa Moody and her husband, Wayne; many grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews; brothers, Sheldon Woodard and his wife, Donna, Marlon Woodard and his wife, Ruby, Dennis Woodard and his wife, Patsy, Don Woodard and his wife, Georgia, 2 sisters, Virginia Brown and her companion, Charles Wells, Lorraine Lambert and her husband, David; lifelong friend, James Lockwood; special daughter-in-law, Valerie Dovell.

Graveside services will be held in the spring at the Lawn Cemetery in Guilford. (Bangor Daily News posted 1/29/2013)

Glendene Marion Woodard Lockwood
BIRTH 16 Aug 1946
Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine
DEATH 28 Jan 2013 (aged 66)
Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine
Lawn Cemetery
Guilford, Piscataquis County, Maine,