Saturday, November 30, 2019

Roberts - Tobias L. - Bar Harbor

Bar Harbor Record

Jan. 8, 1908

One Of Bar Harbor's Most Prominent Citizens Passes Away.

In the death of Mr. roberts Bar Harbor losses one of its oldest and most prominent citizens, and one of its most successful business men. He was born in Boston, March 31, 1835, and when he was about one year old his parents moved here attracted by the possibilities for business. His father built the Agamont House, the first hotel in Bar Harbor, in 1855, and in 1888 the father and son opened a general store. Previous to that time Mr. Roberts was employed in Rockland at the caulkers trade, and in Boston by a large grocery store concern. The Roberts store was for many years the sole one here and for a long time, with one competitor, did the entire business, as well as being the local post office and general center of town. In 1873 he moved his store to Main Street and continued it until 1903, when he closed out. In 1894 he opened a dry and fancy goods store under the name of the Little Store, which is still in active business.

Attracted by the possibilities in the growing summer resort business and the constantly increased number of summer guests, in 1876 he built a small hotel on the site of the present Rockaway House, and three years later he added another large portion to it. Still more additions were made from time to time as business warranted and the hotel was always taking a leading place among Bar Harbor's hoteliers.

Mr. Roberts was a shrewd business man and foreseeing the possibilities in the development of the resort became a heavy owner in real estate at an early period, which grew rapidly in value as the town increased in size and importance. He was regarded as one of the wealthiest men in town, and owned many of the choicest sites in both the business and residential action of the town. He retained an active interest in his business affairs until almost a year and a half ago, when he was stricken with a shock. Although he rallied temporarily at times, and was occasionally able to lie up and out of doors, and devote a little attention to his affairs, he never fully recovered, and the end had been expected for some time.

Mr. Roberts is survived by a widow, Mrs. Harriet Rolfa Roberts, a son, Tobias L. Roberts Jr, and a daughter Miss Mary Roberts, a brother, W.M. Roberts, and a sister, Mrs. J.A. Rodick.

Funeral services were held at the congregational Church Sunday afternoon. The funeral sermon was presented by Rev. Charles S. Haynes, the new acting pastor of the congregational church, who preached a feeling and appreciative tribute to the memory of the dead man. The church was filled with mourners and the flora tributes were numerous and beautiful. The internment was in the roberts family lot in Mt. Desert Street Cemetery.

Tobias Lord Roberts

BIRTH 31 Mar 1835

Maine, USA

DEATH 1908 (aged 72–73)

Maine, USA

BURIAL Mount Desert Street Cemetery

Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine

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