Saturday, November 30, 2019

HAMOR - LOUISE C. - Bar Harbor

January 5, 1927

Mrs. Louise C. Hamor died on Saturday, Jan. 1, at the home of her son, Irving G. Hamor, after an illness of one week. Mrs. Hamor was in her 89th year. She had been a beloved and honored resident of Bar Harbor for the past 73 years. She is survived by nine children, by 25 grandchildren, and by 10 great grandchildren.

Mrs. Hamor before her marriage was Miss Louise Couisins Alexander, the daughter of Capt. John and Louise Cousins Alexander and she was born in Ellsworth on April 23, 1838. She came to this town when she was but but 15 years of age. Capt. Alexander, her father was one of the best known of master mariners and died on board his ship in the waters of the China sea when he was but 27 years of age.

Mrs. Hamor was married to Hosea Kittredge Hamor in very early girlhood and 12 children, nine of whom survive, were born to them. Mr. Hamor died in 1918. One child died in infancy and two daughters, Mrs. Atwood Bowden and Mrs. Charles Strout have been dead for some years.

The surviving relatives are, the children, Miss Jennie Hamor of Standish; Granville Hamor of the Ovens, Mrs. Mrs. Edgar Simpson of Bar Harbor, Mrs. Elizabeth Leland of Bar Harbor, Mrs. Ezra Higgins of Hulls Cove, Mrs. Harry Stearns of Bar Harbor, Mrs. Benjamin C. Liurent of South Windham, Mrs. E.J. Morrison of Bar Harbor, Irving Hamor of Bar Harbor.

Mrs. Hamor leaves also three half-brothers, Henry, Morton, and Charles Springe of Chicago; two half sisters, Mrs. Edgar Higgins of Elgin, Ill. and Mrs. Martha Swain of Skowhegan.

Up to her illness of a week ago Mrs. Hamor had enjoyed good health and retained her faculties and memory in a way which made her companionship a pleasure. She was a fine example of the American wife and mother, a home maker and a neighbor and friend whose love for all about her was proverbial. Her life meant so much to all about her and her death brings sorrow and a place vacant in the family circle never to be filled.

Funeral services were held at the Episcopal Church of our Father at Hulls Cove on Tuesday afternoon and were conducted by Dr. William E. Patterson of St. Saviour's Church in Bar Harbor. Officiated by Rev. Alan Armstrong, rector at Hulls Cove. The bearers were Paul Salisbury, Liston Mayo, Mark Morrison and Harry R. Hamor. Funeral was at Hulls Cove Cemetery. There was a very large attendance and many beautiful flowers.

Louise C. Alexander Hamor
BIRTH 21 Apr 1839
DEATH 1 Jan 1927 (aged 87)
Hillside Cemetery
Hulls Cove, Hancock County, Maine


Hosea K. Hamor
BIRTH 1 Jun 1829
DEATH 30 Aug 1917 (aged 88)
Hillside Cemetery
Hulls Cove, Hancock County, Maine,

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