Saturday, November 30, 2019


Bar Harbor Record

March 2, 1904

Passed to her rest on Saturday morning, Feb. 20, Cordelia Wilson Pineo, wife of the late Benjamin Pineo of Columbia Falls, Maine. She was born in Columbia, Maine Jan. 23, 1833, and descended from one of the oldest families in that part of the state. She was educated at Cherryfield Academy and for a number of years was a well known teacher in the public schools of Washington County.

Having been gifted with a fine voice in her youth, she was much sought after in musical circles. At the age of thirty years she became a Christian and was a devout follower of her Master until he called her home. For the last thirteen years she has made her home in the family of Deacon William clark of Bar Harbor, whose wife was a student at the academy with Mrs. Pineo and for whom she held a lasting friendship.

The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the residence of Deacon Clark. The service opened with singing "Nearer still Nearer," by a quartet of voices, followed by reading from the scripture by her pastor, (the Rev. S.L. Hanscome, of the Methodist Church) at the conclusion of which he paid a high tribute to her beautiful Christian character. A frevent, uplifting prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. McDonald of the Congregational church, and the quartet finely rendered "Some Happy Day". The benediction was given by the Rev. Mr. Hanscome.

Those present were her son, Dr. William B. Pineo, a well known physician of Minneapolis, Minn., and very dear friends who were at her bedside during the last hours of her life, including Deacon and Mrs. Clark and a large number of woman from the Womans Christian Temperance Union of which she was a member, besides a large circle of friends by whom she was held in high esteem.

She is survived by two sisters; Mrs. Sarah F. Wass of Portland, and Mrs. Augustus White of Columbia Falls, also several nieces and nephews, one of which, Dr. E.A. White of Columbia Falls, was summoned to her bedside during her illness. The floral offerings were very beautiful, including several handsome pieces from relatives in Portland and a large bunch of beautiful flowers numbering the years of her life, from the Temperance union of Bar Harbor.

Accompanied by her son, her remains were taken to Columbia Falls for burial in the family lot to rest beside her husband and their son, who died in childhood.

Cordelia's parents were Justus Ramsdell and Mary Ann Leighton.

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