Saturday, November 30, 2019


Bar Harbor Times

December 21, 1918


Two Babies Burned At Bayside Friday

The infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hamor, John, aged two years and George, aged five months, were burned to death in a fire that destroyed their camp home at Bayside Friday afternoon.

Mr. Hamor, whose home is in West Eden, but who is well known in Bar Harbor where he has lived from time to time, was working for the Morrison Lumber Co., operating a portable mill at Bayside and was occupying a small camp near the mill, having moved his family there but a few days before.

Friday afternoon, while Mr. Hamor was at work, Mrs. Hamor left the two children asleep in a bunk and went to another camp only a few feet away to see a sick neighbor. Returning to her camp in a few minutes, she found the whole interior in flames. It was impossible to reach the children.

The camp was destroyed. The charred bodies of the little victims were found where the bunk had been, indicating that they had not been near the stove, and that they were mercifully smothered before the flames reached them. It is believed the fire must have caught from a spark from the stove.

Ferdinand "Fredie" Summonsbury Hamor

born July 15, 1893 Hulls Cove

died Dec. 2, 1974 Surry, Maine

buried Aurora Cemetery, Aurora, Maine

father John Summonsbury Hamor

mother Emma E. Murphy

married Lillian Mae Hartgrove

marr on Dec. 4, 1915

born 1899

died 1972

father William H. Hartgrove

mother Elnora "Emma" May ?

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