Saturday, November 30, 2019

HIGGINS - SAMUEL N. - Bar Harbor

January 19, 1918


Death Occurred Saturday Morning From Pneumonia After Short Illness

Funeral services for the late Samuel N. Higgins were held at his home in The Field, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in charge of the Rev. A.M. Macdonald. The bearers were C.F. Green, J.A. Stevens, H.A. Lawford, and F.O. Alley, members of Bar Harbor lodge F. & A.M., of which Mr Higgins was a charter member.

His death occurred at his late residence Saturday morning at 8;45 after a week's illness of pneumonia at the age of 78 years, 10 months and 12 days.

Mr. Higgins was born in Eden, the son of Stephen and Ann Maria Higgins, who were prominent among the early residents and was one of a family of nine children. In his younger days he followed the sea and as the development of Bar Harbor as a summer resort began, he became one of the first hotel proprietors conducting the Ocean House for some 20 years. The Ocean House was located behind the present Mt. Desert block and covered the site of the present Higgins residence. Many well known people were patrons at the Ocean House and Mr. Higgins was uniformly popular with his patrons looking very attentively after their comfort. Later Mr. Higgins was associated in the management of the Marlboro Hotel, previously the Deering House, which which was conducted by his brother, Charles, until his death and afterward by Herbert P. Higgins, son of Charles Higgins.

Of excellent charavter and an exceptionally courteous and pleasant disposition, Mr. Higgins was held in high regard by all and his death will be learned with regret by many of the older members of the summer colony. He was devoted to his family and his friends were reckoned by the number of his acquaintances.

Mr. Higgins is survived by his widow, Dora (Hutchings) Higgins, a daughter, Mrs. Ada A. Stafford of Bar Harbor, two sons, Dr. Ralph S. of Bangor and Hollis of this town, two brothers, John Higgins of Ellsworth and George P. Higgins of Bar Harbor, and two sisters, Mrs. Jeanette H. Bunker and Miss Mariam R. Higgins of Bar Harbor.

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