Thursday, October 8, 2020

PARTRIDGE - ARTHUR - Bar Harbor, 1914

 Arthur Partridge

Bar Harbor Record

December 2, 1914

Arthur Partridge, who had been exceedingly ill for the past two weeks at his home on Wayman Lane, died five minutes past three o'clock Tuesday afternoon (Dec. 1, 1914).  Mr. Partridge was very ill about two months ago but improved sufficiently to go out of doors but almost immediately had a relapse.  Heart trouble and complications was the cause of his death.  Mr. Partridge had been coachman for John S. Kennedy, and later for Mrs. John S. Kennedy, for many years and was a very well known and much respected man.  The sudden news of Mr. Partridges death comes just as the RECORD goes to press.  A more complete obituary will be printed in the paper next week.

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